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词汇 领取
例句 You can claim mileage for your business trips.你可以领取按里程计算的交通补贴。Pensioners get an annual increase in line with the cost of living.领取养老金者每年的养老金随着生活费用的增加而增加。Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.几千名领取养老金的人被劝说用自己的住房作抵押去投资投机性债券。He gets an entertainment allowance and a clothes allowance from work.他从单位领取招待费和置装费。Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service.到就业指导处领取企业名录。Collect your winnings at the ticket booth.在售票处领取你赢得的钱。Mark laughed and went to collect his winnings.马克笑著去领取他的奖品。The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.宣传单可以到邮局免费领取He's on social security benefit.领取社会保障金。He's been on the dole for years.他多年来一直领取失业救济金。You must claim your prize by telephoning our claims line.你必须拨打我们的领奖电话来领取奖品。The winning team went up to collect their medals获胜队上前领取奖牌。They were excluded from the pension programs.他们被排除在领取养老金的范围之外。It was the pensioners' vote late in the day that influenced the election of Mr. Sweet.最后是领取养老金者的选票影响了斯威特先生的当选。They remembered Chicago's breadlines during the Depression years.他们对经济大萧条时期芝加哥民众排队领取救济食品的情景记忆犹新。She went to collect her parcel from the depot.她去库房领取包裹。They've been on/off the dole for a year.他们领取/不再领取失业救济金已经一年了。He is taking a gratuity from the Navy.他从海军领取退伍费。She's been on the dole for over a year.她已经领取失业救济金一年多了。The police say there is a $50,000 reward for any information that helps them find the killer.警方说,凡是能提供任何信息帮助他们找到凶手的,可以领取五万美元奖金。Many had come off the dole and set up their own small businesses.许多人不再靠领取失业救济金生活,自己做起了小生意。People on income support do not have to pay council tax.领取低收入补助金的人不需要缴纳家庭税。Pensioners have been done out of millions of pounds as a result of the changes.这些变化使领取养老金者损失了数百万英镑。We can help you find out if you qualify for any benefits.我们可以帮助你确认你是否有资格领取救济。OAPs get cheaper bus and train tickets.领取养老金者购买公交车票和火车票时享受优惠。He receives unemployment benefit.领取失业救济金。We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall.我们领取会议材料后鱼贯进入学术报告厅。She has started to draw her pension.她已开始定期领取养老金。I had to sign for the parcel when I went to get it at the post office.从邮局领取包裹时,我得签字。Society stigmatizes welfare recipients.社会上认为领取社会福利的人不光彩。The captain of the winning team was called forward to receive the cup.获胜队的队长被邀请站出来领取奖杯。Pensioners and disabled people get special concessions on buses and trains.领取退休金的人士和残疾人士乘坐公共汽车和火车有优惠。You will have to find out whether or not you qualify for a pension.你得弄明白自己是否有资格领取养老金。She was debarred from receiving the scholarship when her criminal record came to light.她的犯罪记录曝光后,她被禁止领取奖学金。He began collecting/receiving Social Security checks.他开始领取/接受社会保障金。The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.奖金需获奖者本人领取Membership entitles you to the monthly journal.凭会员身份可以领取月刊。He sought renewal of the grant.他申请继续领取补助金。You may qualify for unemployment benefit.你也许有资格领取失业救济金。You may be able to claim housing benefit.你或许可以要求领取住房补助金。




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