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词汇 解脱出来
例句 He wants to get out of the rat race.他想从这种疯狂的竞争中解脱出来They allowed you to escape from the monotony of small town life.他们能使你从一成不变的小镇生活中解脱出来We need to free ourselves of the unfair restrictions that are holding us down.我们要把自己从那些不公平的限制中解脱出来The people are looking forward to being delivered from the nasties.人民期待著从不愉快的状况中解脱出来Your grief won't disappear overnight. It takes time to get over the death of someone close to you.你的悲痛不会一夜间消失,要从亲人去世这种痛苦中解脱出来是需要时间的。There were more civilians working for the police, freeing officers from desk jobs.更多的平民在为警察部门工作,使得警员从文案中解脱出来We pray for our delivery from this oppression.我们祈祷能从这种压迫中解脱出来She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.她觉得必须从日常事务中解脱出来To him this was a heaven-sent relief from boring office work.对他来说这是个天赐良机,把他从无聊的办公室工作中解脱出来The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.他们的婚姻很失败,两个人都想从中解脱出来A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests.一种新型机器也许可以将成千上万的动物从药物试验的痛苦中解脱出来She had just disentangled herself from a long relationship.她刚从一段历时很久的感情中解脱出来Some mothers regard work as a welcome respite from the stress of looking after a home and children.有些做母亲的将工作视为令人高兴的暂息时间,能从照顾家庭和子女的压力中解脱出来He struggled to get free of the wreckage.他艰难地从残骸中解脱出来Travel can be an escape from the routine drudgery of life.旅行可以使人们从乏味的日常生活中暂时解脱出来I longed to be free of my family.我渴望从家庭中解脱出来The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won.将个人从保姆式国家的束缚中解脱出来的斗争还远未成功。The art course stimulated me, woke me up.艺术课激励了我,使我从蒙昧中解脱出来The striking workers appeared to be handcuffed to a position of belligerence from which they cannot extricate themselves.罢工的工人似乎被束缚在交战状态,而不能从中解脱出来Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think, the mind responds with new solutions.从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。Sports provide him with a welcome diversion from the pressures of his job.运动所带来的宜人消遣能让他从工作的压力中解脱出来This new machine will emancipate us from all the hard work.这台新机器将使我们从繁重的劳作中解脱出来He prodded me out of a prolonged mood of depression.他激励我从长期的沮丧情绪中解脱出来People thought technology had the power to liberate them from hard work.人们认为科技具有把他们从繁重的工作中解脱出来的力量。I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.我得从疯狂的竞争中解脱出来,重新审视真实的世界。She finally disentangled herself from a bad relationship.她终于从一段糟糕的感情纠葛中解脱出来




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