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例句 He prophesied that a flood would cover the earth.预言洪水将淹没地球。The government predicts that their measures will start to bear fruit soon.政府预言其措施很快就会奏效。My optimistic predictions came true.我的乐观的预言成了现实。Many people predicted that the store would fail, but it has done very well.很多人曾经预言这家商店会倒闭,但它却经营得很红火。Lij Yasu was never crowned, possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he became king he would die.伊亚苏五世从没登上王位,可能是因为他相信自己当上国王后就会死去的预言吧。There was a great war between the countries, just as the elders had prophesied.正像长者们预言的,那些国家之间进行了一场大规模战争。My prediction has come true sooner than I thought.我的预言变成了现实,时间比我预想的要早。The book claims that modern events were prophesied in ancient times.这本书声称古代就有人预言了当代的重大事件。His prophecy that she would one day be a star came true.他对她终有一天会成为明星的预言变成了现实。She prophesied a bad ending for the expedition.预言这次探险的结局不妙。Nothing ever happens as Tom says it will. He is very poor at calling his shots.汤姆预言要发生的事从未发生。他是个很不堪的预言家。Some biologists predicted that the damaged areas would quickly regenerate.一些生物学家预言,受灾地区会迅速恢复生机。Brak's prediction sounded quite plausible to him.布拉克的预言对他来说听上去相当可信。It is claimed that Ebba prophesied her own death from the plague.据称埃巴预言自己会死于鼠疫。Fodor's predictions have seldom if ever been proved wrong.福多尔的预言很少被证明是错的。Last summer I predicted an increase in terrorist violence, and recent events have borne me out.去年夏天我曾预言暴力恐怖事件会增加,近来发生的事证明我是对的。Her prediction was right on the nose.她的预言非常准确。Predicting voting trends from economic forecasts is a dodgy business.根据对经济的预测来预言选举的走势不大可靠。Economists foretold impending disaster.经济学家预言了即将到来的灾难。He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.相传他有预言的能力。He foretold that the woman would die soon.预言那女人快要死了。I promised myself I'd defy all the prophets of doom and battle back to fitness.我发誓要打破所有的死亡预言,力争恢复健康。The predicted increase in nursing jobs never materialized.护士职位要增加的预言从未成真。Forecasters predict the region's economy is heading for disaster.预测专家预言该地区经济即将面临灾难。She has the gift of prophecy.她有预言的天赋。The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.部长暗示说某些很有影响的环境保护者所作的可怕预言一定程度上有些夸张。Who can predict how long this uneasy peace between the two countries will last?谁能预言两国之间勉强维持的和平能持续多久?The prediction of a rise in the stock market became a self-fulfilling prophecy when investors heard the report and began buying stock.当投资者听见股市上涨的报道并开始购买股票的时候,这一预言就自我应验了。His gloomy forecasts have been increasingly vindicated.事态的发展越来越证明他的悲观预言正好言中。Mills’ predictions turned out to be remarkably accurate.米尔的预言结果特别准确。He is very fond of writing apocalyptic stories, predicting the imminent predicament of mankind.他很喜欢写天启式的故事,预言人类的灾难。Who can forecast the future?谁能预言将来? Predicting the result of close elections is a perilous game.预言一场势均力敌的选举结果,是个冒险的事。Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.让我们聆听先知以赛亚关于和平之王来临的预言These doom and gloom prophecies are doing little to help the economy.这些悲观的预言对经济毫无用处。And, fulfilling the oracle, the Persian king, Cyrus II, invaded.于是波斯王居鲁士二世入侵,预言成真。He disregarded the fortune teller's foreboding that the trip would end in disaster.他不理睬算命人的预言,说是此行将以灾难告终。People laughed at his predictions of disaster, but no one's laughing now.人们曾嘲笑他对灾难的预言,但现在没人笑了。The prediction seems to have come true.预言似乎成真了。Political commentators are predicting that the minister will have to resign.政治评论员预言这位部长将不得不辞职。




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