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词汇 项目
例句 A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.一名联合国官员说将会暂停援助项目,直到援助车队能够得到充分的保护为止。He spent all his waking hours working on the project.除了睡觉,他把全部时间都花在了这个项目上。We've all been chomping at the bit to get started on the project.我们一直迫不及待地等着这个项目启动。Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业冲击的项目进展得并不太顺利,参议员萨班斯对此表示关切。According to one source, the program will not cost a lot.据消息人士透露,这个项目不会耗资太大。Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going.公司与学校之间的互访使得这一项目得以进行下去。We plan to dovetail these projects into very severe budgetary constraints.我们计划使这些项目与很苛刻的预算约束一致起来。The project would require little financial outlay.这个项目所需的财政开支不大。The idea/plan/project was shelved.这个主意/计划/项目被搁置了。When the entire class worked together they finished the project in no time flat.待全班学生一起动手干起来,这个项目很快就完成了。The project started slowly, but now the work is coming along.项目起步缓慢,但现在工作进展顺利。He's one of the most respected managers in the game.他是这个运动项目最受尊敬的主教练之一。The project is right on schedule.项目刚好按计划进行。I want these two groups to work/operate in tandem on this project.我希望这两个小组联合做这个项目The whole team has been on a steep learning curve since the project began.在这个项目开始后整个组都在克难攻坚。The King's Reach hotel was built as a speculative venture but never completed.金里奇酒店本来是作为一个投机性的风险项目建设的,但一直没有完工。The project is still at the planning stage.这个项目还处在规划阶段。The government today gave them the go-ahead for five major road schemes.政府今天批准了他们的五个重要的公路项目The project was taking so long that Stephen joked that it would never be finished.这个项目花了很长的时间,斯蒂芬甚至打趣说它永远都没有结束的那一天。When a member of staff has a family emergency, a project can get delayed.工作人员中有人家里有急事时,项目可能会被延误。He has been pouring all his time/resources into the project.他把自己所有的时间/资源都投在了这个项目上。We'll have to work like the dickens to finish this project.要完成这个项目,我们得拼命工作。She spent a good deal of time on the project.她在这个项目上花了大量的时间。They put in years of patient labor/work on the project.他们在这个项目上付出了多年细致耐心的工作。It sounds like an interesting project and I'd like to get in on it.这个项目听起来很吸引人,我想参与进来。The project soon took on a life of its own and prevented us from getting any other work done.这个项目很快就展示出了它的分量,我们已无暇顾及其他工作了。"I'll be so glad when this project is finished." "And how!"“这个项目完成了我会很高兴。”“我也是!”Some people have begun to complain about the project delays, but the mayor continues to preach patience. 有人开始抱怨项目拖延,但市长继续宣扬要有耐心。There is no question of the project being postponed.这个项目不可能推迟。Work on the project has resumed after a lag of several months.停了几个月后,那个项目又开工了。This project has been eating up a large part of the budget.这个项目用掉了大部分预算。My enthusiasm for the venture was tempered by my knowledge of the hard work that would be involved.当我了解到完成这个风险项目所要做的工作时,我的热情多少消退了一些。His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。The project took four months to complete.这个项目耗时四个月完成。She came on every ride herself, the better to instruct her eager pupils.每一个骑乘项目她都要亲自试一试,以便更好地指导她那些跃跃欲试的小学生。She's quite an operator—no one else could have gotten them all to agree to the project.她真是八面玲珑,除她之外没人能够说服他们所有人同意这一项目The project will require some difficult decision-making.这个项目需要做出一些困难的决定。Teamwork was very important in the later stages of the project.协同工作在项目后期非常重要。Projects included a pilot scheme, underwritten by the trade department.项目中包括一个由贸易部出资的试点方案。After exchanging pleasantries, she brought me into her office to discuss the project.相互寒暄之后,她领我进入她的办公室商讨这个项目




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