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例句 She stood before the man as a temptress.她站在那个男人面前,像个妖妇。They never joked about sex in front of the children.他们从不在孩子面前说黄色笑话。I peered ahead through the windscreen.我透过面前的挡风玻璃凝视前方。He was faced with the evidence.证据摆在了他的面前He tipped the table over in front of him.他把面前的桌子打翻了。He lined up the plates on the table in front of them.他把桌子上的盘子一个个排开,放在他们面前It terrified him to think that, in six months’ time, he would have to stand up in front of a class and teach them something.想到再过六个月就要站在一个班的学生面前给他们讲课,他就害怕极了。I am really scared about speaking in front of the class.我真的很害怕在全班同学面前讲话。No naughty jokes in front of the children, please!不要在孩子面前讲粗俗的笑话!Kirk stood helpless before this giant of a man.柯克站在这个大汉面前束手无策。He received a furious dressing-down from his boss in front of his colleagues.他在同事面前被老板痛骂一顿。He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.他在我父母面前一脸晦气,觉得他们看不起他。A man in a hoodie was swinging a gun in my face.一个身穿连帽衫的男人拿着一把枪在我面前挥舞。He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life.他思想传统,在别人面前仍然讲究体面。He had the indiscretion to talk about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率得在陌生人面前谈论家庭私事。You really have a monumental task in front of you.面前的确摆着一项极其艰巨的任务。They thrust a microphone in front of me and fired questions at me.他们把麦克风推到我面前,不断向我发问。She's worried about embarrassing herself in front of such a large audience.她担心在众多观众面前出丑。He dangled a string in front of the cat.他拿着一条绳子在猫的面前晃动。The papal nuncio had the right to be seated in the King's presence on the occasion of any public ceremonial.在任何公共庆典仪式中,罗马教皇大使都有权在皇帝面前不起立。This then was the situation facing the government at the end of the war.这就是战争结束时摆在政府面前的情况。A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.一只棕色的小鹿蹦跳着穿过他们面前的那条小路。He stared at the strange apparition before him.他盯着面前那个古怪的幽灵。Don't you condescend to me.你在我面前摆什么架子。These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.这些武器在坦克面前根本不起作用。He abased himself before the king.他在国王面前卑躬屈节。He always cringes before the boss.他在老板面前总是卑躬屈膝。I believe she has some influence with the headmaster — she might persuade him.我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他。People call me a media whore.人们说我在媒体面前搔首弄姿,曲意逢迎。The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose.她原以为丢失的钢笔就在她面前的桌子上。Anne didn't shrink from the difficult issues facing parents.在面对父母的难题面前,安妮没有退缩。The facts started to unfold before them.真相开始显露在他们面前They were embarrassed at his indiscretion in talking about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率地在陌生人面前大谈家庭私事,这使他们感到难堪。It was six months before she had a chance to try her songs out in front of a live audience.过了六个月她才有机会在现场观众面前试唱自己的歌。He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leo.他想教训她一顿,因为她在利奥面前揭自己的短。He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him.他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.罗伯特·盖茨坐在他们面前,对过去的事几乎无颜以对。Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?.你担心会在她面前放声大哭或是勃然大怒吗?She would have her audition in front of the director.她将在导演面前试演。He's making a fool of himself over that woman.他在那位女士面前丢人现眼了。




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