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例句 We intend to appeal the verdict.我们打算对裁决提出上诉She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.对于法院禁止她饲养动物的判令,她决定不再上诉This morning's appeal was held in camera.今天上午的上诉案不公开审理。The Crown had planned to appeal against the leniency of the sentence.王室不满这么轻的判决,已经计划上诉The jury agreed with her, but she lost the case on appeal.陪审团认同她的说法,但在上诉时她输掉了官司。He's bringing an appeal against the size of the fine.他因不满罚金的数额正在提出上诉The court rejected their petition.法庭驳回了他们的上诉The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal.通过上诉,刑期减为三年。The judge has agreed to allow his appeal.法官已经准许他上诉They think the appeal is a winner.他们认为上诉能够成功。She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.她不服被判谋杀罪提出上诉,但失败了。The case was upheld on appeal.这一案件的上诉获得受理。The court dismissed his appeal.法庭驳回了他的上诉Singleton's counsel said after the trial that he would appeal.审判结束后,辛格尔顿的律师表示他将会上诉The defense will appeal the case to the Supreme Court.被告方将把案件向最高法院上诉The decision was reversed on appeal.这个判决上诉后被撤销了。Hopkins' hopes were dashed when his appeal was denied.霍普金斯的上诉被拒后,他的希望破灭了。He has decided to appeal to the European Court.他已决定向欧洲法庭提出上诉An appeal will be submitted disputing the findings of the prosecutor general.将会提交一份质询总检察长裁决的上诉请求。New forensic evidence strengthens Wilkins' case for an appeal.新的法庭证据对威尔金案子的上诉更加有利。On appeal it was held that the judge was correct.上诉维持了法官的原判。Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition.马圭尔已向最高法院提出上诉,要求停止对她的引渡。The decision was subsequently reversed on appeal.这个判决随后在上诉中被撤销了。Some prisoners entered formal appeals against their verdicts and sentences.有些犯人对其所受裁决和课刑正式提出上诉In some cases appeals may proceed directly from the High Court to the House of Lords.在有些情况下,上诉可以从高级法院直接转到上议院。He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relations tribunal.他将其遭不公正解雇一事上诉劳工关系法庭。She has been denied the right to appeal to the Supreme Court.她被剥夺了向最高法院上诉的权利。The Supreme Court refused to allow the appeal.最高法院拒不允许上诉His appeal was disallowed by the judges.他的上诉被法官们驳回。The court case was dismissed by the judge but reinstated on appeal.案件被法官驳回,但因上诉而得到重新审理。The ruling has been held in abeyance for a period of two years and it will likely be appealed.该裁决已经暂缓两年执行,可能会提出上诉The House of Lords is a law unto itself, so it never gives reasons for turning down a petition for leave to appeal.上议院我行我素,拒绝上诉许可申请时从来不给出理由。There is a possibility of a further appeal to a higher court.可继续向更高一级法院提出上诉An appeal has been lodged against the court's decision.对法院的裁决已提出上诉The appeal will be heard by a single judge.这一上诉将由一名法官单独审理。He was found guilty but was granted/given leave to appeal against the verdict.他被判有罪,但获准提出上诉They went to the High Court to challenge the decision.他们就这项判决向高等法院提出上诉He waived his right to appeal.他放弃了上诉的权利。The verdict was upheld at appeal.上诉的结果是维持原判。If you don't agree with the result etc ,you can appeal to the board of examiners.如果你对成绩有异议,可以向考试委员会上诉




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