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词汇 上诉法院
例句 The Appeal Court overruled that decision.上诉法院推翻了这一判决。They took their case to the Appeal Court.他们把案子提交到上诉法院The Court of Appeal has a pivotal role in the English legal system.上诉法院在英国司法系统中起关键作用。The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment.上诉法院推翻了先前的判决。The bill also provides for the automatic review by the appeal court of all death sentences.该法案还规定,上诉法院必须自动对所有的死刑判决进行复审。The Court of Appeals upheld his conviction.上诉法院维持对他的原判。The case may be heard by a court of appeal next month.该案可能将于下月由上诉法院审理。Appeals court judges overturned the previous ruling.上诉法院的法官推翻了之前的判决。His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.他的定罪被上诉法院推翻了。The Court of Criminal Appeals has been deliberating his case for almost two weeks.刑事上诉法院审议他的案子已经快两周了。The Second Circuit ruled today against the plaintiff.第二巡回上诉法院于今天判原告败诉。The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants' convictions.上诉法院维持了对上诉人的原判。The Appeals Court upheld the conviction.上诉法院维持了原判。His conviction for murder was quashed in the Court of Appeal.对他犯有故意杀人罪的判决被上诉法院撤销了。The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants' convictions.上诉法院维持了对这些上诉人的定罪。An appeal on the issue is already pending before the court of appeals.关于这个问题已向上诉法院起诉。They took their case to the Appeals Court.他们把案子提请上诉法院审理。The appeals court ruled that the testimony was unfairly prejudicial to the defendant.上诉法院裁定证词有失公允,对被告不利。Her case was referred to the Court of Appeal.她的案子已移交到上诉法院The Court of Appeal ruled that the conviction was unsafe.上诉法院判定该案证据不可采信。The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.案件被移交至上诉法院Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report.上诉法院法官伍尔夫将在他的报告中提出改革建议。The appeal court refused to overturn the lower court's decision.上诉法院拒绝推翻下一级法院的决定。The appeal court upheld a finding that the agreement was unlawful.上诉法院维持原裁决,认为协议不合法。The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.上诉法院撤销了对他的判决。The Appeal Court and the House of Lords have effectively taken away his reserve powers as Secretary of State.上诉法院和上议院已有效地剥夺了他作为国务大臣的保留权力。The guilty verdict was quashed by the appeal court.上诉法院撤销了有罪判决。The ruling was overturned by a federal appeals court.判决被联邦上诉法院推翻了。The court of appeal reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.上诉法院推翻原判,释放了囚犯。The Appeal court will, at the concluding stage, test its own opinions against those of the judges in the original hearing.上诉法院将会在结案阶段提出自己的观点,看看是否比初审法官的意见更站得住脚。The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.该案件将移交上诉法院审理。The appeals court is equal in standing to a state supreme court.上诉法院的级别相当于州最高法院。




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