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词汇 非常可怕
例句 It was all very frightening to a small boy.这对一个小男孩来说非常可怕The violence used was horrendous.所使用的暴力非常可怕This disease is greatly feared.这种病非常可怕He's a terror when his blood is up.他发起脾气时非常可怕The kind of treatment that you have to put up with as a new army recruit is pretty horrible.作为新兵所要忍受的那种对待非常可怕The earthquake was a terrible business.那次地震是非常可怕的事。It sounds something awful.这事听起来非常可怕I thought something really terrible had happened.我以为发生了非常可怕的事情。It was terrible driving through the hail.顶着冰雹驾驶非常可怕The slaughter was terrible - the whole field was covered with bodies.这场屠杀非常可怕—遍地陈尸。Mommy, I had a really scary nightmare.妈妈,我做了一个非常可怕的噩梦。The weather outside was frightful.外面的天气非常可怕This has been an absolute nightmare for me and my family.这对我和我的家庭来说一直都是件非常可怕的事。I just had the most awful dream.我刚做了个非常可怕的梦。




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