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词汇 delay
例句 We decided to delay our vacation until next month.我们决定把休假推迟到下个月。The work permits of no delay.这项工作不能耽搁。The country's fixation on the war may delay a serious examination of domestic needs.该国对这场战争的执迷可能会令其不能及时认真地审视国内需求。The delay caused great inconvenience.这一耽搁造成很大不便。They were getting pretty frustrated with/at the delay.他们对这样的拖延感到非常生气。He is anxious that there should be no delay.他非常希望不会出现延误。Dad went off to find out the reason for the delay.爸爸去打听晚点的原因。That one delay has bollixed up my whole week.就那一次延误把我整个一周的事都搅乱了。The roof must be repaired without delay. 这个屋顶必须马上维修。We sat there waiting for him, fuming with anger at the delay.我们坐在那儿等他,对他的延误愤怒不已。We'll send you a quote without delay.我们会立刻送一份报价给你。The conservative coalition could delay further reforms or block them altogether.保守同盟可能会推迟或彻底阻碍进一步的改革。He chafed at the delay.他因被耽搁而恼火。We've had one delay after another, and I'm starting to feel/get pretty fed up.遭遇一次又一次的延误,我开始感到相当厌烦了。Do you know what's causing the delay?你知道推迟的原因吗?The delay did seem unwarranted.延期看来的确没有道理。We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.我们对延误和由此造成的不便深感抱歉。Laura desperately tried to think of a ploy to delay his departure.劳拉想尽各种办法竭力拖延他的行期。If you delay now, the opportunity might be lost.现在你如果不赶快行动就可能会失去机会。All flights are subject to delay.所有航班都有可能延误。Processing of even large files without noticeable delay– because encryption and decryption are done "on the fly".处理甚至很大的文件而没有显著的延迟,因为加密和解密是动态完成的。They have lobbied to delay implementation of the new tax package.他们已向政府游说推迟实施新税收政策。The announcer apologized for the delay.广播员为延误而道歉。The drug may delay a worsening of the disease.这种药物可以延缓病情的进一步恶化。The delay is partly explicable by the roadworks.延误的部分原因是道路施工。Most doctors emphasize the fact that HRT cannot delay ageing.大多数医生强调,激素替代治疗不能延缓衰老。After a long delay, the plane finally took off.飞机在长时间的延误之后终于起飞了。I'm frightfully sorry about the delay.对于这次耽搁我深表歉意。Do you have any contingency plans if there is a delay?如果有耽搁,你有应变计划吗?DiPietro's research shows that an active lifestyle can delay the onset of many diseases common with aging.迪彼得罗的研究显示积极的生活方式能够推迟许多老年常见病的出现。The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial.繁琐的法律程序可能会使开审的时间推迟。Close doors to delay the spread of fire and smoke.关上门减缓火和烟的蔓延。The delay created a domino effect , disrupting deliveries around the country.这次延迟引起了多米诺效应,影响了全国的运送任务。The delay was totally unnecessary.这一延迟完全可以避免。I hope this delay doesn't put you to any added expense.我希望这一延搁不致使你增加额外负担。I hope this delay doesn't cause you any inconvenience.我希望这次延误不会给你带来任何不便。Any delay in delivery of materials will have a knock-on effect throughout the production process.延误生产材料运送会对整个生产过程产生连锁影响。Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation.严重缺铁会导致发育迟缓。A spokesman said that bad weather was partly to blame for the delay.发言人称,延误部分是由糟糕的天气造成的。Congress voted to delay a decision.国会投票决定推迟作出决定。




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