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Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.语言学包括一系列不同的科目,如语音学和文体学。Linguistics is the study of language and how people use it.语言学研究的是语言和人们如何使用语言。Linguistics is the study of language.语言学是研究语言的一门学科。Mark is currently employed as a Professor of Linguistics.马克目前受聘担任语言学教授。Linguistics is the study of the structure of language.语言学是研究语言结构的科学。She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.她退休后成为语言学荣誉退休教授。She teaches at Harvard’s Department of Linguistics.她在哈佛大学语言学系任教。 |