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Discussions are locked in stalemate.讨论陷入僵局。The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.谈判进行两小时后便陷入僵局。The company says it has reached an impasse in negotiations with the union.公司称与工会的谈判已陷入僵局。It looks like the long-running dispute could end in stalemate.看来长期的争端可能最终会陷入僵局。Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.谈判似乎已陷入僵局。In the same year the issue came before Parliament, but there was complete deadlock.同年,议案提交国会,但双方完全陷入僵局。The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to be heading for deadlock.为结束内战而进行的最新谈判好像要陷入僵局。The talks remain deadlocked over spending plans.会谈在开支方案上陷入僵局。The peace talks have been deadlocked over the issue of human rights since August.从八月起,和平谈判就在人权问题上陷入僵局。Negotiations are at an impasse. = Negotiations have reached/hit an impasse.谈判陷入僵局。He said the war had reached a stalemate and that a political accord was the only solution.他说战争已陷入僵局,政治协议是唯一的解决办法。The negotiations stalled when complications arose.因为出现了各种困难,谈判陷入僵局。The negotiation has reached an impasse.谈判已陷入僵局。The union and management reached a deadlock over fringe benefits.劳资双方在附加福利问题上陷入僵局。 |