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词汇 陪伴
例句 Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。I got the impression that they'd rather be alone.我感觉他们宁愿不要别人陪伴Audrey could think of no graceful way to escape Anthea's company.奥德丽想不出什么得体的办法来拒绝安西娅的陪伴She doesn't really feel like company at the moment.这时候她真的不想有人陪伴He remained with his wife during her confinement.妻子分娩时有他陪伴在身边。I think they want kids to be favorably disposed to this company and see them in a more positive light.我觉得他们是想让孩子们认可这种陪伴,并且对他们能够正眼相看。I thought you might be glad of some company tonight.我想你今晚可能希望有人陪伴She stayed at home to keep company with her younger sister.她留在家里陪伴她妹妹。She finds it too painful to return there without him.她觉得没有他的陪伴回到那里实在叫人难受。Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years.老年人在暮年往往依靠宠物陪伴,来获得安慰。The prince is always accompanied by his bodyguards.王子始终有保镖陪伴左右。He had decided to insist that she not accompany him.他打定主意,坚决不让她陪伴自己。They beaued the girls to the garden party.他们陪伴小姐们去参加游园会。She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.她第一次在没有父母陪伴的情况下自己去国外度假。Her dogs/sisters/books/thoughts are her only company these days.她的狗儿/姊妹/书籍/思绪是她这些天来唯一的陪伴My mom always chaperoned the school dances.学校开舞会时,我妈妈总在场陪伴His professed reason for resigning was to spend time with his family, but we heard rumors that he was caught stealing.他自称辞职的原因是为了陪伴家人,但我们听到了他因行窃被抓的传言。She was secretly glad of his company.有他陪伴,她暗自欢喜。After months of solitude at sea it felt strange to be in company.在海上独居了几个月之后,对有人陪伴感到有些不适应。She found the companionship of Marcia a solace.她觉得马西娅的陪伴是一种安慰。She quickly tired of his company.她很快就厌倦了他的陪伴Both of them juggle their working hours to be with the children.他们两个都将工作时间排开以陪伴孩子。Her escort to the ball was my brother.陪伴她去参加舞会的是我的兄弟。She may not be an ideal companion for young children.她也许不是陪伴小孩子的理想人选。Wherever she went, he would be there.不论她去什么地方,他都会陪伴左右。Unaccompanied children are well looked after by the cabin crew.无人陪伴的儿童得到了机组乘务员的精心照料。She enjoyed his company and the excitement of feeling herself linked at one remove to London society.她喜欢他的陪伴,也很享受离伦敦社交圈仅仅一步之遥的兴奋感觉。The television is a poor substitute for human companionship.用电视来代替人的陪伴是很糟糕的。I feel I've failed my children by not spending more time with them.我没能多花些时间陪伴孩子,我觉得我让他们失望了。Lucia had brought an aged relative with her as her chaperone.露西亚带了位年长的亲戚当她的陪伴Experts say that the time parents spend with their children is decreasing.专家说家长陪伴孩子的时间在减少。I could not but be happy in the jocundity of your company.有您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴。He thanked them for the pleasure of their company and took his leave.他感谢他们的愉快陪伴,然后道别走了。The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it.团体度假的好处在于,要找人陪伴非常容易,想要独处也行。They want kids to be favourably disposed to this company and see them in a more positive light.他们希望孩子们对这种陪伴产生好感,以更积极的眼光看待他们。Some parents, wittingly or not , don't spend enough time with their children.有些父母,不管有意还是无意,没有花足够的时间来陪伴子女。When Rena was sick,she had all kinds of company.丽娜生病时有很多人来陪伴她。Despite her misgivings about leaving the baby, she decided to accompany her husband.尽管要离开宝宝她有顾虑,但她还是决定陪伴丈夫。She wants to spend more time with her family.她想多花些时间陪伴家人。Parties and women - he was living life in the fast lane.他参加聚会,有无数美女陪伴——过着十分刺激的生活。




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