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Big improvements can be made with only a small amount of training and effort.只要稍加培训,再花点工夫,进步就会很大。Squeeze a small amount onto the palm of your hand and spread the gel evenly through your hair.挤少量的发胶在手掌上,然后均匀地涂在头发上。For years my mother laid aside a small amount from every pay cheque.几年来我母亲每周都从工资中存下一小笔钱。The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。If you have become sensitized to an allergen, even an extremely small amount of the allergen in your environment can trigger an attack.如果对某种过敏原敏感,那么即便是生活环境中极微量的这种过敏原也能引起过敏。Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water.把少量粉末放入容器,加水混合。Some theatres receive a small amount of funding from the state.一些剧院从政府那里获得少量的资金扶持。Stick them on using a small amount of glue.用少许胶水把它们贴上。We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.我们用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒。We need a small amount of fuel.我们需要少量的燃料。The small amount of compensation is a source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes.被迫离开家园的人们仅获得很少的补偿,这成为激起他们不满的一个诱因。You can stir a small amount of thinner in the paint.你可以往油漆中加一点稀料,把他们调匀。They provided only a small amount of information.他们只提供了少量信息。Stir-fry the vegetables in a small amount of oil.把蔬菜放在少量的油里翻炒。You only need a small amount.你只需要很小的量即可。Even a small amount of rain can leach the toxic material from the soil.即使少量的雨水也能够将土壤里的有毒物质过滤掉。Why are you quibbling over such a small amount of money?你为何对这么一点钱斤斤计较?Don't taste the food. Even a small amount can cause botulism.不要尝这食物;即使稍微尝点也会引起肉毒中毒。I'll only give you a small amount of rice because it's quite filling.我只给你少量的米饭,因为很容易吃饱。Even a small amount of the drug can be detected in the test.即使是很少量的药品也能在检查中检测出来。There wasn't really much I could buy with such a small amount.钱这么少,实在是买不到什么。The carpenter shaved off a small amount from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.木匠将门底边刨去了一点使它正好关上。A small amount of the drug is unlikely to have any harmful effects.这种药服用少量的话不会有害。It was such a small amount that it didn't register on our machine.这个量太小了,我们的机器上显示不出来。A small amount of tomato paste will give extra colour and body to the sauce.加少量的番茄酱可以增加调味汁的色泽,使它的味道变得格外浓郁。He was so ill that he could only keep down a small amount of food.他病得很厉害,吃不下多少东西。She has a pension, and receives a small amount from her ex-husband.她有一笔退休金,还有一小笔前夫给的钱。Melville managed to get by on a small amount of money.梅尔维尔仅靠一点点钱勉强度日。There is some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for you.有证据表明,少量酒精对人有益。Keep a small amount of icing back for the other cake.留少量糖霜给其他蛋糕用。Fry the meat in a small amount of fat.用少量脂油炸一下肉。His parents left him a house and a small amount of money.他父母死后给他留下了一栋房子和一点钱。There is a small amount of truth to what he says.他所说的话里面有一些是真的。She only had a small amount of food left, and knew she'd have to make it last the week.她只剩下很少的一些食物了,她知道这个星期只能靠这些来维持了。 |