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词汇 smack of
例句 To me, the whole thing smacks of a cover-up.在我看来,整件事有点掩饰真相的味道。He would not leave because leaving might smack of flight.他不愿离去,因为离去或许会有逃跑的意味。There was a smack of exaggeration in his story.他讲的情况有点夸张。That suggestion smacks of hypocrisy.那个建议似乎有点虚伪。The whole thing smacked of showmanship, not grief.这一切有点像做给人家看的,并非真的悲伤。She heard the smack of fist against face.她听到了拳头打在脸上的声音。The government's new asylum bill seems inhumane, and smacks of racism.政府新的政治庇护议案显得不近人情,还带有种族歧视的味道。His story smacks of exaggeration.他讲的情况有点儿夸张。This arrangement smacks of dishonest dealing.这一安排有点不诚实经营的味道。We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响,子弹啪的一声打在岩石上,火星飞溅。Like many stories about him, it smacks of exaggeration.正如很多有关他的故事一样,这个故事也有点夸大。The pudding had a smack of cinnamon.这布丁有一点儿桂皮香味。The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism.工程师联盟对这项提议感到很不满,称该提议有点种族主义的味道。There's a smack of autumn in the air.空气中略有秋意。There's a smack of condescension in the book's tone.这本书里透着一丝高人一等的语气。We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship.我们能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。In my opinion, this suggestion smacks of pessimism.我认为这个建议有点儿悲观。The sauce has a smack of nutmeg.这种调味汁带有肉豆蔻的味道。Going out with him smacks of desperation.和他一起出去有铤而走险的意味。The chairman's decision is disturbing, and smacks of dishonesty.主席的决定令人不安,有点不诚实的味道。The sauce smacked of vinegar.这调味汁有点醋味。The whole situation smacks of mismanagement and incompetence.整件事让人觉得有点儿管理不善,当事人能力欠缺。It just smacks of paranoia.那只是有些偏执。He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。Their justice, so called, smacked of partiality.他们的所谓公正带有偏心。The whole affair smacked of a government cover-up.整件事有政府企图掩盖的迹象。I could hear the smack of the waves against the side of the ship.我能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。




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