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词汇 smack
例句 We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响,子弹啪的一声打在岩石上,火星飞溅。She just waded in and gave the kid a smack.她径直插手其中,打了那孩子一巴掌。Shut up, or I'll give you a smack on the face.闭嘴,否则我就掴你的耳光。Then, with a resounding smack, she slapped Claudia's face.接着,啪的一声,她打了克劳迪娅一记耳光。There's a smack of condescension in the book's tone.这本书里透着一丝高人一等的语气。Give each of them just a smack out of your glass.从你杯中给他们每人浅尝一口吧。I'll give him a smack in the chops if he doesn't shut up.要是他不闭嘴,我就给他一嘴巴子。Talk like that and I'll give you a smack in the mouth.再这样说话,我就让你嘴巴吃拳头。He longed to land her a good smack in the face.他很想在她脸上亲个响吻。If you don't stop that, I'll smack you!如果你还不停下来,我就打你!He fell smack-dab in the middle of the street.他摔倒在马路正中。They planted a tree smack-dab in the center of the lawn.他们在草坪正中央种了一棵树。The mother gave her child a hearty smack on the cheek.母亲在自己孩子的脸上使劲地亲了一个响吻。Is it always good to smack a naughty child?对调皮孩子老是打行吗?She heard the smack of fist against face.她听到了拳头打在脸上的声音。He gave me a huge smack on the lips.他给了我一个大大的响吻。The ball hit me smack in the eye.球正好打中我的眼睛。I wasn't looking where I was going and walked smack into a lamppost.我没有看路,直愣愣地撞到了灯柱上。The ball hit me smack dab in the middle of my forehead.那球正好打在了我的额头中央。She gave him a smack on the cheek.她给了他的脸颊一个响吻。The other day he got hit by a ball smack in the eye.几天前,一只球不偏不倚打到了他的眼睛上。He would not leave because leaving might smack of flight.他不愿离去,因为离去或许会有逃跑的意味。He is longing to have a smack at archery.他很想试一试箭术。After bubbling the milk, I got it smack-dab in the middle of the espresso.牛奶煮沸后,我把它倒入浓咖啡的正中央。In part that's because industry is smack in the middle of the city.部分原因在于:工业恰好在城市的中心。If the opposition succeeds, it will be a real smack in the eye for the government.如果反对派获胜,将对政府造成真正的打击。I'll smack you very hard if you do that again!你要是再干这种事,我就狠狠地打你!He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。The Hotel Savoy is smack in the middle of Florence.萨伏伊酒店恰好位于佛罗伦萨市的中心位置。There's a smack of autumn in the air.空气中略有秋意。The dictionary fell to the floor with a smack.字典砰的一声掉到了地上。Hyde Park is smack in the middle of downtown London.海德公园就在伦敦闹市中心。She slammed her briefcase down on the desk with a smack.她啪的一声把她的皮箱放到桌子上。We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship.我们能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。Every time your puppy snaps at someone, give him a smack on the butt with a rolled up newspaper.你的小狗每次要咬人时,就用卷起的报纸在它屁股上打一下。Sometimes he just doesn't listen and I end up shouting at him or giving him a smack.有时候,他就是不肯听话,闹到最后,我会冲他大喊大叫,或给他一巴掌。The truck reversed smack into the gatepost.卡车倒车时砰的一声猛撞在门柱上。He's out of his head on smack most of the time.他多数时间都因吸食海洛因而精神恍惚。The sauce has a smack of nutmeg.这种调味汁带有肉豆蔻的味道。He landed with a loud smack.他扑通一声摔倒在地。




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