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词汇 限制
例句 Punishments such as branding, castration and other forms of mutilation were restricted but not abolished.烙印、宫刑以及其他形式的致残性惩罚受到了限制,但尚未废除。Development in areas of outstanding natural beauty is strictly controlled.优美自然风景区的开发受到严格的限制Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.官员们已经放松了对新闻界的限制A significant proportion of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.有相当多的司机不遵守车速限制Germany insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.德国坚持限制波兰煤炭的进口。This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。The reduction of the speed limit resulted in fewer traffic accidents.车速限制的降低使交通事故减少。This was coupled in many sects with strictures against contraception.这在很多教派被和限制避孕联系起来。The US may become more restricted in its use of economic sanctions.美国使用经济制裁的做法可能会受到更多的限制During the recession, the government opted for a policy of pay/wage restraint rather than a reduction in public investment.在经济衰退时期,政府选择的政策是限制工资增长,而不是削减公共投资。Unions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan.工会正敦促限制从日本进口钢材。We need to find ways of keeping our expenditure in check.我们必须想办法限制我们的开销。Her poor health limits her earning capacity.身体不好限制了她的谋生能力。The Italians are busting out of the corset of the Maastricht agreement.意大利人正在挣脱马斯特里赫特条约的限制New roads and communities restrict the migration of the elk.新道路和社区的建立限制了麋鹿的迁徙。The public demanded a curb on military spending.公众要求限制军事开支。The old West Berlin was physically constrained by a wall.旧时的西柏林实际上被一堵墙所限制Various reasons are given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.显然,在很多行业中女性的升迁都受到无形的限制,对此人们给出了不同的解释。These proposals hope to reduce traffic and mandate lower speed limits.这些提议希望减少交通量并规定更低的时速限制The majority of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.大多数人认识到限制人口增长的重要性。A wheel is constrained to rotate on its axle.轮子是限制在轮轴上转动的。Having already limited local taxation, why not go the whole hog and abolish it completely?既然已经对地方征税进行了限制,那为什么不进行到底,彻底将它废除了呢?The council asserted that the government acted unlawfully in imposing the restrictions.委员会认定政府强行施加这些限制是非法的。He feels modern attitudes to children's play are too restrictive and risk-averse.他觉得当代对孩子玩耍的态度过于限制和逃避风险。In some cases there is a minimum age limit.有些情况下有最低年龄限制Some fishing is still allowed, but limits have been imposed on the size of the catch.仍然可以小作垂钓,不过对于钓上来的鱼的数量有了限制There have been financial and political constraints on development.发展受到了经济和政治上的限制It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.预计还将考虑通过一项决议,将减少限制使食品迅速通过。The government imposed restraints on spending.政府对开支实行了限制It has been necessary to restrict entry into the club.限制进俱乐部是必要的。The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。The summit meeting was intended to be wide-ranging and open-ended.按照安排,这次高峰会议的议题广泛,不作限制The government is expected to ease travel restrictions.人们期待政府放松对旅行的限制Most fishermen recognize the need to limit fishing.大多数渔民承认限制捕鱼的必要性。The bylaws prescribed that membership should be limited.细则规定成员人数应予限制They clipped his wings by withholding funding for his projects.他们拒绝为他的项目提供资金,以此限制他工作的开展。Our lack of money limits our options.缺乏资金限制了我们的选择。There will be new restrictions on the sale of weapons.对武器买卖将有新的限制Martha and Joan kept strictly to their part of the house.玛莎和琼严格地限制在屋子里属于自己的地方活动。Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems.试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。




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