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词汇 not to say
例句 It's unlike you not to say hello.连招呼都不打这不像是你。John was careful not to say anything about this to her.约翰小心翼翼,避免向她提及此事。This is just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed your party.仅以此短笺表达我非常喜欢你的派对。A rude remark sprang to my lips, but I managed not to say it.一句无礼的粗话突然迸到我的嘴边,可是我总算没有说出来。To those who've never received million dollar royalty cheques, this sounded a little odd, not to say offensive.对于那些从没有收到过上百万美元版权费的人来说,这听起来就算不令人反感,至少也让人觉得有点儿怪。She was cynical,not to say acid,in her ways.她的态度不说尖酸刻薄,也要算乖戾的了。His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.他的举止即使算不上冒犯,至少也是有失礼貌的。It's risky, not to say downright dangerous to ski in these conditions.在这种情况下滑雪,即便不是异常危险,也是非常冒险。I found the characters very two-dimensional, not to say dull.我觉得那些人物形象即使不说是乏味无聊,至少也是毫无深度。She warned me not to say anything to upset him.她警告我不要说任何让他不高兴的话。He was tactful enough not to say anything.他很乖觉,什么话也没说。She left me a note to say my dinner was in the oven.她给我留了个便条,告诉我晚饭在烤箱里。He knew by instinct what not to say.凭直觉他知道什么不该说。It's odd, but that's not to say that it's bad.这很古怪,但并不意味着不好。This is not to say whatever is is right.这并不是说凡是存在的事物就都是对的。I'm quite happy in my job but that's not to say I'm going to do it for the rest of my life.我对自己的工作很满意,但这并不是说我就准备干它一辈子。So far, no one's been sacked, but that's not to say it won't happen.迄今为止,没人被解雇,但这并不是说这种事以后不会发生。Here are a few stories which indicate the originality, not to say eccentricity, of his character.这里有几个故事,表明了他奇特而并非怪僻的性格。He left a note to say he would be home late.他留下字条说他会晚点回家。This is just a note to say I love you.我寄这封信完全是为了向你表示我爱你。We must be careful not to say anything libellous.我们必须注意不要说任何诽谤性的话。The company's policy is not to say anything about former employees other than to give their period of employment.那家公司的政策是除了提供前雇员的任职日期之外,别的什么都不说。This is a short note to say thank you.这是一封简短的致谢信。She asked me not to say anything about it to anyone.她要我对任何人都不要谈起此事。I'll agree not to say anything, and warn the others not to queer your pitch on one condition.我同意什么也不说,而且还会警告其他人不要破坏你的计划,不过得有一个条件。I didn't really enjoy the movie, but that's not to say it was bad.我不太喜欢这部影片,但这并不意味着它很差。Sometimes it's best not to say anything.有时候,最好是什么话都别说。He knew instinctively what not to say.凭直觉他知道什么不该说。He was impolite, not to say downright rude!他虽称不上是十分粗鲁,至少也是不礼貌的。I didn't trust myself not to say something rude, so I just kept quiet.我不能保证自己不说无理的话,于是就保持沉默。His language was irreverent, not to say blasphemous.他的言语即使不算渎神,至少也是不虔敬的。It would be a foolish, not to say ruinous, step to take at this time.这个时候如此做法是愚蠢的,简直是灾难性的。The information is inadequate, not to say misleading.这信息不充分,更不用说还会误导。




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