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词汇 not very
例句 I work in a government office. It's a responsible position, I suppose, but not very exciting.我在政府机关工作。我想那是一个责任重大的职位,但并不是很有意思。The situation is not very encouraging.形势不太乐观。He's obviously not very with-it yet.很明显,他还是不太清醒。The difference in price is not very significant.价格差别不是很大。I'm afraid I'm not very good at math.恐怕我的数学不行。I'm not very good at adding up in my head.我不太擅长心算加法。High-heeled shoes are flattering but not very comfortable.高跟鞋好看,但不是很舒服。He's not very good at sharing his worries.他不善于向别人倾诉自己的烦恼。This is not very good ground for growing wheat.这种土壤并不十分适合种植小麦。I'm not very good with computers. 我不太会用电脑。The salary's not very good, but there's a lot of job satisfaction.薪水不是很高,但这工作会给你带来很大的满足感。My hearing's not very good - can you speak a little louder please?我的听力不是很好—请你说大声一点好吗?It is great-tasting, abundantly available, and not very expensive.这东西味美,常见,也不是很贵。She's not very good at putting across her ideas.她不太善于表达自己的观点。He's not very good at man management.他不太会管人。I bought these oranges yesterday, but they're not very good.我昨天买了这些橘子,不过不太好。I ate a big breakfast so I'm not very hungry.我早饭吃得很丰盛,所以不太饿。Bus services in rural areas are not very good.乡村的公交设施不是太好。There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby.附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。The lecture was not very erudite.这次演讲的内容不很精深广博。I hate having to stand in long lines. I'm just not very patient.我讨厌排长队。我不是很有耐心。I'm not very good with statistics.我对统计数字不太在行。She's not very tolerant of other people's failings.她对待别人的缺点不是很宽容。The car is great in terms of gas mileage , but it's not very comfortable.就油耗而言,这辆车确实很棒,但是它不是很舒适。If you want me to play, I will, but I'm not very athletic.如果你要我玩,那我就玩,可我不是很善于运动。The street was not very steep.街道并不陡。Culture was not very high in the city's list of priorities.文化不是这个城市最优先发展的事业。He's not very adventurous when it comes to food.在吃的问题上他就没那么愿意冒风险了。John's not very good practically. He's too intellectual.约翰动手能力不是很强。他更善于动脑。I'm not very familiar with that area.我对那个地区不很了解。The exchange rate is not very favourable at the moment.当前汇率不太有利。The shoes rate high as far as comfort goes, but they're not very stylish.就其舒适度而言,这双鞋可谓很好,但款式不够漂亮。He is not very interesting to talk to.跟他谈话没味道。He's not very academic, but he's good with his hands.他学业不算优秀,但动手能力突出。They do really good food at that restaurant and it's not very expensive either.那家餐厅饭菜做得很好,而且价格也不太贵。The criteria for membership are not very strict.入会标准不是很严格。I'm not very keen on the crowd she usually runs around with.我对常跟她厮混的那帮人没什么兴趣。He's a nice guy, but not very good-looking.他这个人挺好的,但长得不怎么样。He's not very reliable. You can't always count on him to do what he says he'll do.他不是很靠得住。你不要总指望他能说到做到。The country's economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气。




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