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词汇 defies
例句 We were in a disaster situation that defies description.我们陷入了难以言表的糟糕处境。The economy's extraordinary growth defies the canons of economics.经济的超常增长与经济学原则背道而驰。Beauty is an intangible quality which defies ready interpretation.美是一种难以界定的品质,不能一下子解释清楚。It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.这种行为野蛮凶残、令人震惊,简直是不可理喻。Her odd behavior defies understanding.她的古怪行为无法理解。It defies belief how things got this bad.事情竟会变得如此糟糕,这真让人难以置信。Your conclusion defies the logic in your own analysis.按照你的分析,无法得出该结论。Alaska's scenic grandeur almost defies description.阿拉斯加景色之壮丽几乎无法描绘。Their success defies the predictions made by most experts.他们的成功使大多数专家的预测落空。His face was so odd that it defies description.他的脸长得特别古怪,简直无法描述。Her decision defies logic. 她的决定不合逻辑。The chaos at the airport defies description.机场一片混乱,难以用语言形容。His work defies simplistic interpretation.他的作品不能进行简单化的解释。There can be a magic about love that defies all explanation.爱情的魔力也许根本无法解释。The beauty of the scene defies description.这里风景优美,无法形容。The roads here are quite a maze, criss-crossing one another in a fashion that at times defies logic.这里的路简直就是个迷宫,互相纵横交错,有时会把人搞得晕头转向。When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description.春天鲜花开放时,夜里的空气中会弥漫一种难以名状的香气。Her first novel defies easy categorisation.她的第一部小说很难归类。The level of violence used defies comprehension.使用暴力的程度让人难以置信。The vastness of space defies description.浩瀚太空,难以形容。The article defies a simple summary. 这篇文章很难用三言两语加以概括。The turbulent world of Middle Eastern politics defies prediction.中东动荡不安的政治局势让人难以预测。This year's pyrotechnic display defies description.今年的烟火表演令人叹为观止。Her first novel defies easy categorization.她的第一部小说不容易归类。It's a stupid decision that completely defies logic.这个决定很愚蠢,完全违背了逻辑。




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