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词汇 酣睡
例句 She was fast asleep under a big beach umbrella.她在一顶大号海滩遮阳伞下酣睡I had nine blissful hours of sleep.我无忧无虑地酣睡了九个小时。He rose refreshed after a good night's sleep.一晚酣睡之后,他精神振作地起了床。Her eyelids began to droop and before long she was fast asleep.她的眼皮开始下垂,不久就酣睡了起来。She crept into bed next to her sleeping husband.她蹑手蹑脚地爬上床,挨着她酣睡的丈夫躺下。The day had been long and difficult, but Gita slept soundly until morning.那一天很长很不好过,不过吉塔还是一直酣睡到第二天早上。She slept right through the storm.这场暴风雨中,她一直酣睡未醒。He was fast asleep in the chair, snoring heavily.他坐在椅子上酣睡,鼾声雷动。He was lying in bed, sound asleep.他正躺在床上酣睡It was late at night and everyone was fast asleep.夜深了,所有人都在酣睡One moment she was sound asleep, the next she was wide awake!她刚刚还在酣睡,一转眼就醒了!He was still sound asleep when I went in.我走进去时他还在酣睡They were both fast asleep in their cots.他们俩在婴儿床上酣睡着。It looks like Jessica is out for the count.看起来杰西卡已在酣睡了。




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