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词汇 not having
例句 He kicked himself for not having made the obvious connection.连这么明显的联系都没意识到,他很懊恼。She is said to be stricken with guilt for not having helped him.据说她因为没能帮他而非常内疚。We're not having a big formal meal at the wedding - just a buffet.婚礼上我们不是吃盛大正式的宴会餐,只是自助餐。So what's it like, then, not having to work?不用去工作了,感觉怎么样?He reproached himself for not having called the police sooner.他责备自己没有及时报警。My biggest frustration was not having enough time.我最感到沮丧的是时间不够用。She made a big fuss about not having a window seat on the plane.她因没有靠窗的飞机座位而小题大做。Now he was in the enviable position of not having to work for a living.现在他已不必为生计而工作,着实令人羡慕。My dad started in on me about not having a job.我爸爸责备我没有找到工作。It's such a hassle not having a washing machine.没有洗衣机真是麻烦。It's hard not having him around but I've learned to live with it.他不在身边我很难过,但我已经学会了接受这个现实。I was enjoying the freedom of not having to go to work.我在享受不用去上班的自由。Not avant-garde, with-it, right-on, or gung ho, I improvise several reasons for not having seen any of the new films.本人因为决非先锋派,决非赶潮流或赶时髦人物,也不是狂热分子,所以会即兴凑出几条理由为自己不看新电影作解释。Don't be angry with me for not having written.别因为我没有写信而生我的气。I feel guilty about not having written to you sooner.我为没有更快给您写信感到内疚。She fed me a line about not having budgeted for pay increases this year.她骗我说今年的预算中没有涨工资这一项。We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.我们长期面临资金不足的问题。I'm not having any of that behaviour here.我不允许这里存在那种行为。She came out with some sob story about not having enough money to go and see her father who was ill.她编了一个用于博取同情的伤感故事,说自己没有足够的钱去看生病的父亲。I greatly regret not having told the truth.我非常后悔没有说出实情。The resolutions, not having been so ratified, were inoperative.决议案由于未按此种手续批准,所以不能生效。The pleasure of not having to work quickly palled.不必工作的快感很快就消失了。Who can speak to your not having been on the scene?谁能证明你不在现场?The clinic laboured under the disadvantage of not having enough medical apparatus.那个诊疗所苦于没有足够的医疗器械。You're not having much luck today, are you?你今天不是很走运,是吗?I dream of one day working for myself and not having a boss.我幻想将来有一天能没有老板,为自己工作。I found that not having a car was quite a handicap while on holiday.我发现度假的时候没有汽车非常不方便。We begin to reproach ourselves for not having been more careful.我们开始自责起来,怪自己不够小心。There's no point in moaning and groaning about not having any money.为没钱而不停地抱怨是毫无意义的。He's got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.他因没能上大学而耿耿于怀。He cursed himself for not having foreseen that something like this might happen.他咒骂自己没有预料到诸如此类的事情会发生。She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun.她虽然有说有笑的,但事实上并不怎么开心。It's too stupid for words not having the machines switched on when they're most needed.最需要这些机器时却不打开,真是愚蠢至极。He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader.他是个酷爱阅读的人,总觉得书不够读。I'm not having that kind of behaviour in my class.我不允许我的课堂上有这样的行为。They lost time through not having a backup plan ready.他们由于没有备用计划而耽误了时间。They labored under the disadvantage of not having enough money.他们苦于得不到足够的资金。He was right about her not having a job.他判断她没工作是正确的。It made a pleasant change not having to work.难得不用工作,真好。I'm not having any of that nonsense.我不想听那些废话。




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