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词汇 nothing more than
例句 The movie was nothing more than a star vehicle for Tom Hanks.这部电影不过是汤姆・汉克斯展现其明星魅力的载体。Her attorney is nothing more than an ambulance chaser.她的律师只不过是个唯利是图的人。It's nothing more than injured pride.只是尊严受损了,没有甚么大不了。It's nothing more than a paranoid fantasy.这不过是无端恐惧而造成的幻觉罢了。The company sought nothing more than rote agreement.这家公司要求得到的只是例行的同意。Purists eat smoked salmon with nothing more than lemon and black pepper.讲究口味纯正的人吃熏鲑鱼时除了柠檬和黑胡椒什么也不加。I remember when the restaurant's opening was nothing more than a distant possibility.我记得当时饭店开张的可能性近乎渺茫。Sewing is nothing more than puncture of a cloth by a needle drawing thread.缝纫者,只不过是用带线的针穿刺布片而已。He regards women as nothing more than sexual objects.他把女人仅仅看做是性对象。The soldiers were nothing more than pawns, regarded as dispensable by their officers.士兵只不过是一批小卒,在军官眼里可有可无。This is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to distract attention from the issues.这无非是一个转移注意力的策略,以便分散大家对那个问题的关注。The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang's personal journal.新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。The governor treated our protests as nothing more than a minor nuisance.政府把我们的抗议仅仅当成一件讨厌的小事而已。Locking up men does nothing more than keep them off the streets.把这些人关起来只是做到了不让他们上街而已。Such complaints are nothing more than sour grapes.这样的牢骚不过是吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸罢了。Her comments were nothing more than a veiled criticism of my work.她的那番话不过是在含蓄地批评我的工作罢了。The entire area is nothing more than a desert.整个地区都是沙漠。What started as a serious meeting became nothing more than a talkfest.开始很严肃的会议变成了漫谈会。You sold that film short when you said it was nothing more than an amusing story.你说那影片只不过是个有趣的故事,那是太小看它了。Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。They wanted nothing more than to relax and spend their time together.他们不要别的,只想在一起轻松轻松。The report was nothing more than a reiteration of statements by officials.这份报告只不过是重申了官员们的陈述。The idea that the enemy will immediately surrender is nothing more than wishful thinking.认为敌人会立刻投降只是一厢情愿的想法。The legislature has been nothing more than a rubber stamp for the President.立法机构向来只是总统的橡皮图章而已。The phone call was nothing more than a sales pitch. 这通电话只是推销商品的。I'd always wanted to travel around the world, but it seemed nothing more than a pipe-dream.我一直想进行一次环球旅行,但这看来只是一场白日梦罢了。The governor is nothing more than an errand boy for the big companies in his state.那位州长只不过是其所在州的那些大公司的听差而已。The apparent trend towards extreme weather might be nothing more than a statistical anomaly.向极端天气发展的明显趋势可能仅仅是统计数据中的异常现象而已。She was nothing more than a cipher.她不过是个无足轻重的人。His suspicions were founded on nothing more than rumor.他的怀疑仅仅是基于谣言。He likes nothing more than to play a round of golf.他最喜欢打一整场高尔夫球。He dismissed Bryan as nothing more than an amateur.他不屑一顾地将布赖恩称为业余爱好者。Cynics say that Christmas is nothing more than a way for stores to make money.愤世嫉俗者说圣诞节不过是为商店提供赚钱的机会而已。She suspects that this compromise deal will be nothing more than a fudge.她怀疑这种折中的协议只不过是在敷衍而已。




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