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词汇 酒后驾车
例句 Val's not the kind of person who would drink and drive.瓦尔可不是那种会酒后驾车的人。The crash served as a timely reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving.这场车祸及时地提醒了人们酒后驾车的危险。He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.他因涉嫌酒后驾车被捕。This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.这场悲剧残酷地提醒着人们酒后驾车的危险。His licence was suspended after a drink-driving conviction.他被判定为酒后驾车后被吊销了驾照。The reconstruction of the accident certainly drove home the point that drink-driving can kill.事故重现无疑可以使人们充分地认识到,酒后驾车会送命。He had been driving while under the influence of alcohol.他一直在酒后驾车It's not safe to drink and drive.酒后驾车危险。It was his first DUI offense.这是他第一次犯酒后驾车罪。The new law is intended to reduce the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.新的法律旨在减少酒后驾车引发交通事故的比例。The peak months for drink-drive offences are, in fact, July, August, October and November.实际上,酒后驾车的高发月份是七、八、十、十一这四个月。I've never had a DUI or any kind of drugs record.我从没有酒后驾车或任何吸毒之类的犯罪纪录。The campaign aims to persuade people not to drink and drive.这项运动旨在劝诫人们不要酒后驾车There were a large number of DUI arrests on New Year's Eve.除夕夜有许多酒后驾车被捕的人。He fell from grace for the first time when he was convicted of drink-driving.他被判酒后驾车,第一次失去信任。Drinking and driving is a problem all the year round.酒后驾车是个常年存在的问题。We've got to make people realize that drink-driving is still a live issue.我们得让人们意识到酒后驾车仍是个大问题。The public are beginning to realize the seriousness of drunk driving.公众已开始意识到酒后驾车的严重性。Driving when drunk is a criminal offence.酒后驾车是刑事犯罪。In a large proportion of fatal accidents it is found that one driver is over the limit.在大部分的致命交通事故中,发现都有一个司机酒后驾车I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else.我才不担心那些酒后驾车的人会丧命呢,我担心的是他们可能会撞死别人。Over 1,000 deaths a year can be attributed to drunk driving.每年有一千多人因酒后驾车死亡。Her husband was nearly killed by a drunk driver.她丈夫差一点被一个酒后驾车者撞死。It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol.说我酒后驾车,这真是太荒唐了。Dwayne has been arrested for drunk driving again.德韦恩又一次因酒后驾车被捕。He was accused of driving while under the influence of alcohol.他被控酒后驾车I don't think there's anything wrong with using shock tactics to discourage people from driving while drunk.我觉得用震慑措施劝阻人们酒后驾车没什么不对。The new law on drunk driving is being seen as a major step forward.禁止酒后驾车的新法律的出台被视为一大进步。Driving under the influence of alcohol is a criminal offense.酒后驾车是刑事犯罪。Driving under the influence is a very serious offense.酒后驾车是非常严重的罪行。He was fined for drink-driving.他因酒后驾车而被罚款。Opposition leaders are demanding tougher laws against drinking and driving.反对党领袖要求对酒后驾车实施更严厉的法律。There are now stiffer penalties for drunken drivers.现在对酒后驾车者的处罚更加严厉了。They are campaigning for stiffer penalties for people who drink and drive.他们正在进行游说活动,要求对酒后驾车者处以更严厉的惩罚。He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.他因涉嫌酒后驾车而被捕。She was charged with driving while intoxicated.她被指控酒后驾车He was picked up for drink driving.他因为酒后驾车而被逮捕。Drink-driving is one case in which severe punishment seems to work as a deterrent.酒后驾车是严惩似乎能起威慑作用的一个例子。There are heavy fines for drink-driving. You might even go to prison.酒后驾车要被重罚,甚至可能要入狱。Drinking alcohol before driving is really asking for trouble.酒后驾车完全是在自找麻烦。




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