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词汇 pass down
例句 The painting is a family heirloom that has been passed down through the generations.这幅画作世代相传,是传家宝。The craft has been passed down over five generations.这种手艺已经传了五代。I have in my possession silverware that has been passed down in my family for generations.我有些祖传的银器。The tradition has been passed down for hundreds of years.这一传统已传了几百年。It's a family recipe passed down from my great-grandmother.这道私房菜的做法是我曾祖母传下来的。This feeling has been passed down from generation to generation.这种感情是一代一代传下来的。The story has been passed down by word of mouth.这个故事是口头流传下来的。The house has been passed down in the family from generation to generation.这座房子是这家人世代相传的。After swallowing the food passes down the oesophagus into the stomach.食物被吞下后经过食道进入胃里。The quarterback dropped back and threw a long pass down the field.四分卫后退,将球长传过场地。The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.这一传统由父传子,世代相传。This particular gene is passed down through the male line.这一特定的基因是通过父系遗传的。She will pass down her diamond ring to her niece.她将把钻戒传给侄女。These traditional stories have been passed down from parent to child over many generations.这些古老的故事是子子孙孙世代流传下来的。Property is passed down through the matriarchal line.财产通过母系亲属传下来。Most of these stories were passed down by word of mouth.这些故事大多数是通过口头流传下来的。Traditions passed down by elders in the tribe.部落的长辈把传统传下来。This picture has been passed down through the family.这幅画是家里一代代传下来的。He passed down the tunnel.他穿行在隧道中。The virus becomes weaker as it passes down the chain of infection.经过一连串的感染,病毒变弱了。Lafferty played a pass down the right to Gallagher.拉弗蒂沿右侧把球给了加拉格尔。This title will only pass down through the male line.这个头衔将只能传给男性后裔。




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