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词汇 passages
例句 Solo passages in this register are very easily obscured by other instruments.在这个音区内,独奏乐极易被其他乐器的声音盖住。The quotation of very long passages should be avoided.应该避免摘引非常长的段落。There are some intensely lyrical passages in his first symphony.他的第一首交响曲里有些特别抒情的片段。I've omitted certain passages for the sake of brevity. 为求简洁,我删去了几段。The book has sublime descriptive passages.这本书中有一些非常优美的描写段落。If the men resigned, they had to pay their outward passages.如果这些男人辞职,他们必须支付他们外出航程的费用。I remember long passages of Shakespeare.我记住了大段大段的莎士比亚诗剧。There are jerky passages, not wholly within the author's control.有些段落文体变化突兀,多少不大听命于作者的笔了。The book contains many fine descriptive passages about everyday life in China.本书中有许多描写中国人日常生活的精彩段落。They had angry passages with each other during the debate.他们在辩论中恶言相向。Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前文的呼应。The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted.这本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.该书有许多段落是抄袭的。Her air passages were blocked.她的呼吸道堵塞。Some really dedicated fans have committed entire passages of the movie to memory.一些非常忠实的影迷把这部电影的台词整段整段地背了下来。I found myself skipping these passages, though no doubt many readers will slaver over them.我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。He lifted passages almost verbatim from an earlier essay he had written.他整段整段地照搬他以前写的一篇论文中的文字,几乎是一字不差。I was lost in a maze of passages.我在迷宫般的走廊里迷路了。He'd lifted whole passages from a website.他从网站上整段整段地剽窃文章。The medicine makes breathing easier by opening nasal passages.这种药物使鼻腔通畅,从而使呼吸更容易。The novel included several long, dry passages.这部小说有些章节冗长无趣。The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.老城区通道狭窄,纵横交错,简直就是一座迷宫。There is some strong bedroom stuff in certain passages.某些章节里有非常色情的内容。Special ships clear passages through the ice.专用船只在冰上开出通道。There are some wonderful descriptive passages in the novel.小说中有些段落的描写非常出色。His writings are filled with poignant passages describing winter winds.他的作品中充满了描述冬日寒风的感伤段落。We wandered through subterranean passages.我们漫游地下通道。The descriptive passages are well observed.这部分描写性段落笔触细致入微。The book contains a few purple passages.这本书里有几篇文章辞藻过于华丽。There are no warm passages in this book.这本书中无色情段落。His diaries include passages that are barely intelligible. 他的日记中有些段落几乎让人无法认读。We plucked passages at random from the book and read them aloud.我们从这本书里随便挑出几段文字并大声朗读。I'll dig out the relevant passages in St Augustine.我会挖掘出圣奥古斯丁的有关段落。The research paper was essentially a pastiche made up of passages from different sources.这篇研究论文实质上是由不同来源的文章拼凑而成的。The disease causes the nasal passages and skin to puff up.这种疾病会导致鼻腔和皮肤肿胀。He begged the audience's indulgence to read some passages from his latest book.他拜请观众以海涵雅量从他新出的书中选读几段。He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.他将某些片段演奏得十分缓慢,听着让人悲从心来。He left certain passages of the Latin un-Englished.有几段拉丁文他未译成英语。The trebles sing the following passages.最高声部的歌手们唱以下几节。The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。




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