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词汇 passed
例句 I remember the ecstasy of opening the letter and finding that I'd passed my exam.我记得我打开信得知通过了考试的时候,简直欣喜若狂。We passed through France on our way to Italy.我们去意大利时途经法国。Judgement passed for the plaintiff.判决裁定原告胜诉。I passed my test at / in the first attempt.我第一次参加考试就通过了。He drank until he passed out.他喝得不省人事。Voters passed a bill to remove a law that is a relic of the state's racist past.投票者通过了一项提案,废除国内种族主义历史上遗留下来的一条法律。Ideas passed in quick procession through her mind.她脑海里闪过一连串的念头。He's passed the crisis - the fever's started to go down.他已经度过了危险期——开始退烧了。This feeling has been passed down from generation to generation.这种感情是一代一代传下来的。I think the poor guy passed out. It looks like he's had a lot to drink.我想那个可怜的家伙昏过去了,看样子他喝了不少。Three out of four candidates passed the exam.四分之三的应试者通过了考试。The germs are easily passed from person to person.这些病菌很容易在人与人之间传播。I passed her in the street twice last week.上星期我在街上两次与她擦肩而过。The house came to him when his parents passed away.父母过世后,房子就归他了。The yacht passed us, its cabin lights ablaze.游艇从我们身旁驶过,它的船舱里灯火辉煌。The disease was passed from mother to child. = She passed the disease to her child.疾病由母亲传给了孩子。She passed our house every day.她每天经过我们家。Property is passed down through the matriarchal line.财产通过母系亲属传下来。A law was passed to squash pop music pirates.通过了一个法律以打击流行音乐翻录者。The U.N. passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.联合国通过了两项要求全面撤军的重大决议。I was happy to hear that you passed your exams.听说你考试通过了,我很高兴。We passed through the doorway and found ourselves in a walled garden.我们穿过门口,进入了一个有围墙的花园。Many moons passed by.好多个月过去了。The troops passed through the village yesterday evening.部队于昨晚穿过这座村庄。Joe passed his hand over his face and looked puzzled.乔用手摸了一把脸,看上去疑惑不解。The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough.晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快。The chairman's proposals are usually passed on the nod.主席的提议通常是无需讨论就一致通过的。We caught sight of him in the window as we passed.我们经过的时候透过窗户看到了他。The tradition has been passed/handed on through the years.多年以来,传统一直被传承下来。She had been found guilty, but sentence had not yet been passed.她被认定有罪,但尚未宣判。They sat in silence while the minutes passed.时间一分一秒地过去,他们坐在那里沉默不语。His endeavors to get the bill passed failed.他想使议案通过的努力失败了。He unfortunately passed away last year.他去年不幸逝世。Fear and panic passed through the crowd.恐慌在人群中蔓延。We passed through the gates of the old city.我们穿过了老城的城门。Ten minutes passed, with excruciating slowness.十分钟过去了,过得极为缓慢。We could hear the whistle of the jets as they passed overhead.我们听到喷气机从头顶飞过时的呼啸声。Wright passed the ball square to Brown.赖特把球径直传给了布朗。Much to everyone's surprise she passed the exam with distinction.让每个人都吃惊的是,她竟然以优异的成绩通过了考试。The week passed very slowly.这个星期过得非常慢。




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