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词汇 decide on
例句 The selection board, which decides on promotions, should be strictly objective.决定晋升的选拔委员会应该绝对保持客观。Just drop me a line when you decide on a date.一旦你确定了日期给我写信就行。After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing.大学毕业后,特蕾泽决定从事出版行业。They decided on a trial separation.他们决定尝试分居。It now remains for the jury to decide on the defendant's guilt or innocence.现在要由陪审团来裁决被告是否有罪。I've decided on a new computer.我已经选定一种新计算机。We decided on Spain for our holiday this year.我们今年决定到西班牙度假。They pushed for him to decide on the plan.他们再三要求他就计划作出决策。They've decided on a new advertising strategy.他们决定采取新的广告策略。He decided on blue rather than green.他选定了蓝色,没选绿色。I've decided on going there.我已经决定到那儿去。She has decided on art as a career.她决定选择艺术为职业。We're still trying to decide on a venue.我们仍在想法确定地点。To avoid extra expense, try to decide on fittings in advance.为了避免产生额外开销,尽量事先把要配置的家具、设备等确定下来。We looked at all the cats in the pet store and finally decided on a little black-and-white one.我们看了宠物店里所有的猫,最后选定一只黑白相间的小猫。They decided on a nearby restaurant as a convenient public place to meet.他们把附近的一家饭店定为集会的便利公共场所。If the final ends in a draw, the game will be decided on penalties.如果决赛踢成平局,将以点球决胜负。First, we must decide on the location of our new swimming pool.我们先得给新游泳池选个地点。If you decide on the more expensive model, you can bring this one back and pay the difference.如果你决定了更想要贵一点儿的那一款,你可以交回这个,补上差价就可以了。Finally, she decided on a pink dress.最后,她选定了一件粉红色的洋装。We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.我们必须确定目标市场,然后将其锁定。Have you decided on where to camp?你们已择定设营的地点了吗?The West's response was likely to be decided on Saturday.西方国家可能在星期六作出反应。It's the committee's job to decide on matters of ethics.裁决道德方面的问题是委员会的工作。We decided on the spur of the moment to go to the beach.我们一时心血来潮决定去海滨。We need to take a moment to draw breath and try to decided on our next move.我们需要休息一会,决定我们下一步的行动。Think carefully before you decide on such a major undertaking.决定做这么大的事情之前,你要三思。She decided on impulse to go to the museum.她一时兴起,决定去博物馆参观。We took a quick vote to decide on a leader.我们进行了快速投票来决定谁是领头人。She decided on an unassisted birth at home.她决定在家生孩子,没有任何人帮助。They had a quick confab to decide on a possible design.他们简短地交谈了几句以确定合适的设计方案。After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath.午饭后她突然兴起,决定洗个澡。The society decided on a lecture series and appointed a committee to determine the speakers, the dates, etc.学会决定举办系列讲座,并委派一个委员会具体择定讲员、日期等。Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.越南正在努力确定其未来发展的方向。I've decided on blue for the bathroom.我已经决定浴室用蓝色。To avoid extra expense and mess later on, try to decide on fittings before the plastering's finished.为避免将来出现额外的开支和不必要的麻烦,尽量在抹灰完工之前把固定设施确定下来。I finally decided on a bold step.最后,我决定采取一个需冒风险的步骤。They've definitely decided on Fiona for the job.他们已经明确决定把这项工作交给菲奥纳。She decided on a stalling tactic.她决定采取拖延战术。We couldn't decide on a new color for the kitchen, so we left it white.我们决定不了给厨房刷什么新颜色,因此就让它保留原来的白色。




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