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词汇 逆境
例句 He was faithful to me in weal and woe.不管是在顺境或是在逆境,他一直对我忠诚。We had to learn to deal with adversity.我们必须学会应对逆境It is testimony to her courage and persistence that she worked for so long in the face of such adversity.面对这样的逆境她还工作了这么久,这就证明了她的勇气和毅力。She somehow manages to keep laughing in the face of adversity.她面临逆境也总能保持笑容。His wife stuck by him in good times and bad.他的妻子无论在顺境逆境中都对他不变心。They've been together in good times and bad.无论顺境还是逆境,他们总是在一起。He never let himself be discouraged by any adverse circumstances.他从不因遇到逆境而灰心丧气。From time immemorial there has been the belief that there are good and bad places to be.人生既有顺境,也有逆境,这种观念自古有之。His constitution was sapped by adversity.逆境磨难使他元气大伤。He had the last to continue long against adversity.他有长期忍受逆境的耐力。The good times and the bad times balanced out in the end.顺境与逆境最终相抵。Life is not very good right now—but let's try to make the best of it.眼下日子不太好过,但我们还是尽力让逆境为我们所用吧。We must stand strong in the face of adversity.逆境面前我们必须坚强。Undaunted by adversity, they finally won through to their goal.他们不畏逆境,终于过关斩将达到了目标。Children today seem less willing to seek out challenges and persevere in the face of adversity.现在的孩子似乎不大愿意寻求挑战,在逆境面前坚持不懈。She met adversity with a fighting spirit.她以旺盛的斗志应付逆境They carry on smiling in the face of adversity.他们在逆境下继续乐观地坚持下去。Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.艰苦使人迎逆境而上。A friend steadfast in adversity is a brick.身处逆境而交情不变的友人才是可靠的好人。Challenging the elements is one thing; simply braving the odds is quite another.不惧恶劣天气是一回事,敢于和逆境直面抗争就完全是另外一回事了。He is no stranger to adversity.他并不是第一次身陷逆境Adversity will steady his character.逆境会使他的性格坚定。




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