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词汇 退出比赛
例句 She was injured in the first round and had to drop out.她在第一轮受伤,只好退出比赛The injury forced him to withdraw from the tournament.他因伤而不得不退出比赛Unfortunately, she had to withdraw from the game because of a leg injury.不幸的是,她因为腿部受伤,只得退出比赛Jackson has injured his knee and is now out of the contest.杰克逊膝盖受伤,现已退出比赛He was forced to withdraw from the competition due to injury.由于受伤,他不得不退出比赛In the second game, her opponent hurt her leg and had to retire.在第二局,她的对手拉伤了腿,不得不退出比赛Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.退出比赛是一个战术策略。Clare had to withdraw from the race after injuring her knee.克莱尔膝盖受伤后只得退出比赛He retired hurt with a bloody nose.他因受伤鼻子流血而退出比赛.Champion Tommy Moe is sidelined with a bad knee injury.冠军汤米·莫因严重膝伤被迫退出比赛Only twice have umpires thumbed him out of a game.裁判们只有两次伸拇指示意他退出比赛She's not definite about retiring from the game.她尚未表明是否退出比赛He had to retire with a neck injury in the second half.在下半场他因为颈部受伤只得退出比赛He duly won, but was then sidelined by a leg injury.他不出预料获得胜利,然而后来因为腿部受伤而退出比赛A back injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.她背部受伤,被迫退出比赛The starting quarterback had to leave the game because of an injury.由于受伤,首发四分卫不得不退出比赛She had to pull out of the race at the last minute.最后一刻她不得不退出比赛Both players pulled out of the competition yesterday at short notice.两名球员都是昨天临时退出比赛的。One of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race.有一名游泳选手抽筋了,只好退出比赛He had to withdraw after the sixth race when his pony went lame.第六场之后他的马瘸了,只好退出比赛




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