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例句 Management is uneasy about promoting women to higher jobs.管理层不愿提拔女性担任更高的职务。The projects are aimed at promoting energy conservation.这些项目旨在促进节约能源。The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。She is promoting her latest movie, which the present writer has not yet seen. 她正在宣传她的最新电影,我本人还没看过。He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces.人们指责他在军队内部搞分裂。The UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention.联合国在促进和平方面的作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。The ruling banned the state-run news media from promoting political candidates.判决裁定禁止国营新闻媒体为政治候选人作宣传。Britain took the lead in promoting debt relief for the poorest countries.英国率先提倡免除最穷国家的债务。The marketing department is busy promoting the new line of men's clothes for fall.市场部正忙着推广秋季男装新品。We won't be promoting Larry. That should wipe the grin off his face.我们不会提拔拉里,那样他就不会再得意了。They are promoting a policy of peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation.他们在倡导一种和平、宽恕与和解的政策。He revelled in promoting Australia as an export economy.他总是乐此不疲地到处宣传澳大利亚是一个出口型经济体。The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.政府应该在促进人权方面发挥更重要的作用。The students did a slick job of promoting the concert.学生们为推介这场音乐会干得很棒。The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.孟菲斯市在文化上正在推行平民主义政策。The college is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning.该学院致力于推进终身学习。Jennings is currently on tour, promoting and reading from his new children's book.詹宁斯目前正在巡回推广和朗读他的新儿童读物。She will be on a lecture circuit promoting her new book.为推销她的新书,她将进行一次巡回演讲。They have an interest in promoting free trade.他们通过促进自由贸易而从中获益。Mass education is essential in promoting democracy.民众教育对提倡民主是非常重要的。The Government is committed to promoting the development and use of public transport.政府致力于倡导公共交通的发展和使用。He described sport as a symbol of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between nations.他把体育运动描述为和平的象征和增进民族友谊的手段。Blair aimed his criticism at corporations promoting and distributing offensive materials.布莱尔的批评是针对那些推销和销售进攻性物资的公司。We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad.我们需要更积极地向国外宣传自己。The Bureau is active in promoting overseas investment.该机构积极促进海外投资。She will be honoured for her work in promoting friendship between the two countries.她将因在促进两国之间的友谊方面所做的工作而受到表彰。Women's organizations have been instrumental in promoting women's rights.妇女组织在提倡女权方面发挥了重要作用。The company is aggressively promoting their products.这家公司正在大力推销他们的产品。The school distributed pamphlets promoting good dental hygiene.学校分发了加强口腔卫生的小册子。He was promoting his upcoming film.他正在为自己即将上映的电影做宣传。Norton is on tour promoting her new children's book.诺顿在巡回推广她新写的儿童读物。She applauds the fact that they are promoting new ideas.他们在宣传新思想,对此她表示赞许。The publisher has been very aggressive in promoting the book.出版商一直大力宣传这本书。He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.他仍在从事促进当地创业的志愿者工作。The defendants were convicted of wilfully promoting racial hatred.这些被告被判犯有蓄意煽动种族仇恨的罪行。The actor is promoting his latest film.这名演员正在宣传他最新的影片。He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.他坚信自己实际上是在促进和平,以此进一步将自己的行为合理化。The government should be promoting a balanced intake of students for every school.政府应当促进各学校招生人数的平衡。The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。




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