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例句 They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities.双方已经开始了对话,以增进两个社群间的彼此了解。They declared a ceasefire from midnight on New Year's Eve to promote peace and as a gesture of goodwill.为了促进和平及表示善意,他们宣布自新年前一天午夜开始停火。The policy will promote rather than hinder reform.这项政策将促进而不是妨碍改革。Basically, their goal is to promote healthier eating habits.总体上说,他们的目的是提倡更健康的饮食习惯。He criticizes the way journalists promote the cult of celebrity in modern America. 他批判新闻工作者在现代美国推动名人崇拜的方式。The company must do more to promote their wares overseas.该公司必须进一步努力将产品推向海外。To promote their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.为了促销新的洗发剂,他们正进行为时一个月的半价销售。They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们提倡社会融合,促进少数民族群体融入社会文化。The President's visit was intended to promote foreign trade.总统出访旨在促进对外贸易。The government must promote racial equality.政府必须促进种族平等。Environmentalists were accused of hijacking the rally to promote their own aims.环境保护主义者被指控通过操纵这一集会来促进自身目标的实现。The city developed the riverfront to encourage/promote tourism.这座城市开发了滨河地带以促进旅游业。Many congressmen are keen to promote research into renewable energy sources.许多众议员热衷于发起对可再生能源的研究。The band is currently touring to promote the new album.该乐队目前正在各地巡回,推广他们的新唱片。It became difficult to promote excellence without being accused of elitism.提倡追求杰出难免被指责为宣扬精英论。The League of Nations was formed to promote international peace and security.成立国际联盟是为了促进世界和平与安全。Needle exchanges provide clean and sterile equipment to promote safer injecting and reduce the spread of blood-borne viruses.针头换新处提供干净消毒的设备,鼓励安全注射,减少病毒通过血液传播。It is a bit irregular to promote a man so soon.如此匆匆擢升下属有些不正常。Your job is to promote the new product.你的工作是促销这一新产品。He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.他不断想出奇特的新计划来促进和扩大业务。The Institute is intended to promote an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world.该协会旨在促进人们对阿拉伯世界政治文化的了解。The use of physical force by teachers tended to promote violent behaviour by pupils.老师使用武力往往会激起学生的暴力行为。The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.政府应该做更多工作来发展可持续农业。The aim of the festival is to promote friendship between the two countries.该节日旨在增进两国之间的友谊。Ryan is making the rounds of talk shows to promote her new movie.瑞安在做巡回访谈节目,宣传她的新片。The program is intended to promote adult literacy among people who have had very little schooling.这个课程旨在提高受教育程度低的成年人的读写能力。Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.广告公司总是得想出新办法来促销。Health food stores promote all manner of herbs to prevent colds.保健食品商店推广各种预防感冒的药草。Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending.政府官员称,人们普遍认为有必要削减政府开支来促进经济增长。Two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior.正在推出两项新计划来宣传负责任的性行为。A working group will be established to promote cooperation.将成立一个工作小组以促进合作。We must promote originality and encourage innovation.我们必须提倡创意,鼓励革新。The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.该行业的领导们现在必须采取措施促使所有人获得均等机会。They promote assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们推动少数民族融入这里的文化。They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.他们讨论如何促进两国间的合作。The Church tries to promote racial harmony.教会试图促进种族和睦。Bonus payments to staff serve to promote commitment to the company.向员工发放奖金有助于促进他们对公司尽职尽责。The extent to which it helped to promote Britain's broader strategic interests was sometimes questionable.它对于促进英国获得更广泛的战略利益到底有多大的帮助,这一点有时候值得怀疑。The organization aims to promote public appreciation of photography.该机构旨在提高公众对摄影的欣赏水平。The aim of the organization is to reduce tariffs and promote free trade.该组织的目标是降低关税促进自由贸易。




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