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例句 The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.这种治疗方法的好处远远大于任何风险。The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.气温远远低于零度,湖面和河面都封冻了。The polls still rank him far behind the Republican candidate.民意测验结果表明他仍然远远落在共和党候选人之后。Radiation is well below the permitted level.辐射量远远低于规定水平。The spirit of nationalism is still far stronger than the spirit of world community.民族主义精神仍然远远胜于世界大同的精神。We were outclassed and physically immature.我们远远比不上别人,身体也还没发育完全。Black-and-white televisions are knocked into a cocked hat by the modern color ones.黑白电视机远远比不上现代化的彩色电视机。Our economy is performing far under capacity.我们的经济能力远远没有发挥出来。Hague was lagging badly in the polls.黑格在民意调查中被远远抛在后面。Mozart towers over all other composers.莫扎特远远超过其他所有作曲家。She easily outdistanced the other runners.她很轻松地就把其他跑步的人远远抛在了后面。Research on the matter is far from conclusive.对这一问题的研究还远远没有定论。Language gives us the ability to communicate at a much higher level than any other animal.语言赋予我们交流的能力远远高出其他动物。The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.这个新型号的总体性能评定远远高于其主要竞争产品。Japan has a much lower crime rate than other countries.日本的犯罪率远远低于其他国家。The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.弊端远远大于那可能获得的收益。We left the others way behind.我们把其他人远远甩在后面。The group's professionalism fell far short of what I had expected.该小组的专业水平远远没有达到我的期望。The results were far below our expectations.成绩远远低于我们的期望。The new model outclasses all past models.新款式远远优于所有的老款。By now, the plane was just a distant speck in the sky.现在飞机在空中只是远远一个小点了。The course has produced results way beyond expectation.这一课程产生的效果远远出乎意料。The skyscraper towered over the surrounding buildings.这座摩天大楼远远高出周边的建筑。The country's power extends far beyond its military capabilities.该国国力远远大于其军事力量。Take my advice and stay away from him!.听我的,离他远远的!His diary was much more cry than wool.他的日记里空话远远多于实事。Your work is nowhere near good enough.你的工作连尚好也远远谈不上。The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.这笔交易的利远远大于弊。There are a far greater number of women working in television than twenty years ago.从事电视工作的女性远远多于二十年前。The school's test scores are far below average.该校的考试成绩远远低于平均成绩。Rescue teams had worked above and beyond the call of duty during the hurricane.飓风期间,救援队所做的远远超越了其职责的要求。The news item announcing the verdict was much smaller than the item that announced his arrest.宣布判决结果的新闻,篇幅远远小于宣布他被捕的新闻。I could see that she was in a bad mood, so I gave her a wide berth.我看得出她心情不好,所以躲她远远的。We have not anything like completed the job.我们还远远没有做完这件工作呢。The majority party would be unwise to deviate far from the principles it had laid before the electors.多数党如果远远背离原先向选民立下的原则,那将是不明智的。I agree things look difficult, but the situation is far from irretrievable.我承认情况看起来不妙,但局势还远远没到无法挽救的地步。Children challenge their parents' authority far more nowadays than they did in the past.如今子女对父母权威的质疑远远多于过去。That state's spending has far outstripped its take.该州的支出远远超过收入。Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.有教学资格的教师远远供不应求。Girls are now outstripping boys in all school subjects.如今女孩子在所有学科上都把男孩们抛得远远的。




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