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词汇 thank you
例句 I don't need any help, thank you.我不需要任何帮助,谢谢。I'm sorry I've been so bad-tempered lately. Anyway, thank you for being so understanding.我最近脾气不好,很对不起。不管怎样,谢谢你这么能谅解我。I can see myself out, thank you. 我自己能出去,谢谢。I don't need your witty comments, thank you very much.我不需要你的高见,多谢了。No more soup, thank you. I'm pacing myself so that I have room for a dessert.不要加汤了,谢谢!我在调整我的进食量,这样我就能吃甜点。My mother is doing fine, thank you.我妈妈身体很好,谢谢你。I got your message, thank you.我收到了你的口信,谢谢。"Oh, and thank you for all your help!" he added as he was leaving.“噢,多谢你的帮助!”他在离开时补充道。She took the money without so much as a thank you.她拿走了钱,连声谢谢都没有说。Alice, I can't thank you enough.艾丽斯,我对你真感谢不尽。Dear Grandma, thank you for the lovely shirt you sent me for Christmas.亲爱的外婆,谢谢您寄给我过圣诞的那件漂亮的衬衫。Pam, you've been a great hostess - thank you.帕姆,你真是个了不起的女主人—谢谢你。I'd like to thank you one and all for all your help.我要感谢你们每个人的帮助。I wanted to come round and say thank you in person.我要过来当面向你道谢。This is a short note to say thank you.这是一封简短的致谢信。He didn't even say thank you.他连句感谢的话都没有说。That'll do nicely, thank you.那样挺好,谢谢你。It was a nice thought, thank you.那真是善意的关心,谢谢你。No dessert for me, thank you. I'm full. 不要甜点了,谢谢。我吃饱了。I'll thank you to be quiet.请你安静点。To forget to say thank you was unforgivable.忘记道谢是不可原谅的。I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you.我自己完全能应付,谢谢。I can't thank you enough for your kindness.我对你的好意感激不尽。May I take this opportunity to thank you all for coming?请允许我利用此机会感谢诸位的光临。God bless and thank you all so much.愿上帝保佑你们,非常感谢。It's the doing of the good deed that is important, not the thanks you receive.重要的是你行善的行为,而不是你得到的感谢。I would just like to say a personal thank you to all the people who contributed to this appeal.我只想对所有促成这一呼吁的人表示我个人的感谢。Just a line to say thank you.寥寥数语聊表谢意。We can do without your criticisms, thank you.我们用不着你的批评,多谢了。I can't begin to thank you, you've done so much to help.我真不知怎么感谢您才好,您给了我们巨大的帮助。I'd like to thank you both for all your hard work and unstinting support during these past days.我想感谢你们两位,谢谢你们在过去几天里的辛勤工作和大力支持。Iwant to thank you all for being here.我想感谢大家能来这里。I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your help.我想借此机会感谢你们大家给予我的帮助。This gift is my way of saying thank you for all of your help.这份礼物是我的心意,感谢你的鼎力相助。I really can't thank you enough.我实在对你感谢不尽。I can stir my own tea, thank you.我的茶我自己会搅,谢谢。I can hardly begin to thank you for all you've done.对于你所做的一切,我万分感激。We would like to thank you for the warm hospitality extended to us during our recent visit.我们要感谢你们在我们最近访问期间的热情款待。You didn't need to give me any more money you know, but thank you.你看你原本不必再给我钱的,但还是要谢谢你。A shirt and jersey and an ordinary pair of trousers will do nicely, thank you.一件衬衣、一件针织衫和一条普通的裤子就足够了,谢谢。




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