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词汇 thanked
例句 As the evening drew to a close, Hillary thanked everyone for coming.晚会结束时,希拉里感谢大家的到来。He was thanked for his efforts.他因所作出的努力而受到感谢。He never even thanked me, so that's the last time I do him a favour.他甚至从未向我表示过感谢,所以那是我最后一次帮他。We thanked her for her many kindnesses.我们对她的很多善举表示感谢。She had thanked him perfunctorily.她漫不经心地向他道谢。He thanked all who had a hand in his release.他向所有帮助自己获得释放的人表示感谢。She thanked the soldier for the loan of the jacket.她感谢士兵借给自己夹克。I thanked them for the many kindnesses they showed me.我感谢他们对我的许多帮助。He thanked God for concealing Himself from the wise and revealing Himself to the simple.他感谢上帝,因为上帝在自作聪明的人面前自行隐匿,在心地纯洁的人面前则显现神迹。He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.他感谢他们所表现出的异乎寻常的慷慨。She thanked us in her acceptance speech. 她在获奖感言中向我们致谢。She thanked the firefighters who saved her life. 她感谢消防队员救了她的命。She made certain she thanked each of them for coming.她确保自己向每位来宾都表达了谢意。He thanked us from the bottom of his heart.他由衷地感谢我们。I thanked them for their long and loyal service.我感谢了他们长期忠心的服务。She thanked them for all their kindnesses.她对他们提供的所有帮助表示感谢。He thanked her ceremoniously.他对她郑重道谢。We thanked our hosts for a very enjoyable evening.我们感谢主人让我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。The bridegroom thanked them all individually.新郎向他们一一道谢。I thanked him for the offer but turned it down…我谢绝了他的提议。The hotel manager thanked the staff and told them to keep up the good work.饭店经理对员工表示感谢,并要求他们再接再厉。The Queen thanked them in a gracious manner.女王慈祥地向他们致谢。I felt slighted when my boss thanked everyone but me for their hard work.我的老板感谢了每个人所付出的艰辛劳动,唯独没有感谢我,这让我感到自己受到了轻视。They thanked him for his contribution of time and money.他们感谢他所付出的时间与金钱。After a bumpy landing, all the passengers cheered and thanked the pilot.飞机颠簸着着陆了,所有的乘客都欢呼起来,向飞行员致谢。He thanked the nurses who had cared for him.他对照看他的护士表示了谢意。He gulped back tears as he thanked the rescuers.他感谢救援者的同时,把眼泪咽了回去。She thanked her collaborators on the project.她向这一项目的合作者表示感谢。The Governor publicly thanked the people of Arizona for supporting him during his campaign.州长对亚利桑那州民众在他竞选期间对他的支持公开表示感谢。He thanked us for our help.他感谢我们的帮助。They thanked him for showing so much patience.他们感谢他如此有耐心。I haven't thanked Bill for his present yet.我还没有感谢比尔送我礼物呢。Madeleine thanked everyone for coming.马德琳对大家的到来表示感谢。She thanked them for their intercessions on her behalf.她感谢他们替她求情。He thanked Providence for the saving grace that had prevented him from utter degradation.他感谢上帝使他免于彻底堕落的恩典。There was a quaver in her voice as she thanked her staff for all their support.当她感谢她的员工所给予的一切支持时,她的声音在颤抖。She never so much as thanked me for my help.对于我给予的帮助她连一声谢谢也没有。They were very grateful to be put right and thanked me profusely.他们非常感谢我纠正了他们的错误,一再向我道谢。The mother thanked the man from the bottom of her heart for saving her son's life.这位母亲衷心感谢那位救了她儿子的性命的人。He thanked them for their strong support.他感谢他们的坚定支持。




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