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词汇 进攻队员
例句 She began the season on defense , but her coach later put her on offense.本赛季开始时她是防守队员,但之后教练安排她当进攻队员The offense attacked the weak defensive line.进攻队员攻击了对方薄弱的防线。The quarterback called the offense into a huddle.四分卫召集进攻队员聚拢听取战术。Hopefully, we'll put the ball back in the offense's hands often enough so they can score some points.希望我们能把球多传给进攻队员,使他们能得些分。The team's attack has been weakened by injury.那个球队的进攻队员由于负伤而攻击力减弱。Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle.中场时,这位教练对围拢一圈的进攻队员进行战术指导。The defense trapped the attacker and got the ball back.防守队员遏制住了进攻队员,把球抢了回来。




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