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The earthquake was one of the worst disasters in modern times.那场地震是近代最严重的灾难之一。This invention marked the beginning of the modern age.这项发明标志着近代的开始。This is a recent period in history.这是历史上近代的一段时期。Speaking off the cuff and with emotion, Pope John Paul II described his disappointment with the recent course of Western history.教皇约翰·保罗二世在即席而充满激情的讲话中说他对近代的西方历史进程感到失望。Johnson arraigned the modern politics of his country as entirely devoid of principle.约翰逊谴责本国近代的政治完全缺乏原则性。He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.他是近代英国最伟大的运动员之一,是这一体育运动的骄傲。That old engine is the archetype of modern locomotives.那台老式发动机是近代机车的原型。 |