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He has paid off the mortgage.他已归还抵押借款。The bank says that they can extend the term of our mortgage.银行说可以延长我们的抵押借款年期。We have saved enough to redeem our mortgage.我们已积蓄了足够的钱去偿还我们的抵押借款。My mother never seemed to get the mortgage clear.我母亲似乎老是还不清抵押借款。He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.他得用土地抵押借款。They had to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payments.他们不得不将二楼租出去以偿付抵押借款。That mortgage has been like a millstone round my neck.那笔抵押借款像是套在我脖子上的沉重负担。The bank says we have to buy a life insurance policy before we can get a mortgage.银行说我们要先买一份人寿保险才能得到抵押借款。 |