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例句 The engine of the boat suddenly gave out.船上的发动机突然停止运转The machine was operating at high/medium/low speed.机器在高/中/低速运转The machine runs on solar power.这台机器靠太阳能运转We must have a gremlin in the engine - it isn't working right.发动机里一定是钻进去了个小妖精——现在运转不正常了。You'll notice a big difference once the new computer system is up and running.一旦新计算机系统运转起来,你就会发现有一个很大的不同之处。The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳运转The engine suddenly roared to life.发动机突然运转起来。The system was already at capacity.该系统已经是满负荷运转了。The washing machine isn't operating properly.洗衣机运转不正常。Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转The industry operates under rigid guidelines.该行业在严格的规则指导下运转Take the machine apart and get an insight into how it works.把机器拆开,察看一下它是怎样运转的。Can you explain how the machine operates?你能解释一下这机器是如何运转的吗? A computer will not spring into action without something powering it.计算机没有动力不会运转Analysts fear the overstretched air traffic control system could reach breaking point.分析人士担心超负荷运转的空中交通管制系统会面临崩溃。By studying civics, you will learn how our government, economic system and political system are supposed to operate.通过学习市政学,你可以了解我们的政府、经济体制和政治体制该如何运转Can you give us a quick explanation of how it works?你能很快给我们解释一下它是怎么运转的吗?Officials in charge of the camps say the system is now running extremely smoothly.负责这些营地的官员们说现在这一体系运转得非常顺利。The theater is supported by donations.这家剧院的运转资金来自于捐赠。The system was groaning under an avalanche of applications.系统运行了大量的应用程序,只能勉强维持运转It's business as usual at the factory, even while investigators sift through the bomb wreckage.即使在调查人员检查炸弹残骸的时候,工厂仍照常运转Once a car has started, the engine would continue to run even if you disconnected the battery.汽车一旦起动,即使你切断电池的电源,引擎还是会继续运转的。Mr Persson knows he must make some concessions to keep a new government afloat, but is determined to be fiscally prudent.佩尔松先生知道,要维持新政府运转,就必须作出某些让步,但他决心在财政上采取谨慎态度。The assembly line of necessity kept moving.生产线势必保持运转下去。The coffee machine seems to work perfectly now.咖啡机现在运转起来似乎毫无问题。He left the motor running.他让发动机一直运转The machine turns on with the press of a button.按下按钮机器就运转We could hear the engine racing.我们能够听到引擎快速运转的声音。A run in the morning is good for the system - it wakes the body up and gets everything going.晨跑对身体很好——它能唤醒整个身体,使各个部分运转起来。It's a good idea to keep the engine running for a while.应该让引擎运转一会儿。The people wondered how the contraption worked.人们想知道这台奇特的装置如何运转Banks of electronic equipment burst into life.一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。This machine is working none the worse for its long service.这机器并不因长久使用而运转得差些。The engine slowed to a tick-over.发动机速度下降,开始低速运转He had his new computer up and running in no time.他很快便使自己的新电脑运转起来。The factory was operating at peak efficiency.工厂开足马力运转Payola is the oil on which the political machine runs.贿赂是政治机器运转的润滑油。This case proves that the system works effectively.此案例证明这个制度运转有效。She was effectively challenging the whole basis on which society was run.她对社会运转的整个基础提出了有力的质疑。The machine cycles automatically.这台机器自动循环运转




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