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词汇 跳下
例句 May I have the next dance?可以赏光跳下一曲吗?The airman boldly jumped from the airplane with his parachute.飞行员带著降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。She skidded to a halt, jumped off her scooter, and ran into the house.她滑着停了下来,跳下踏板车,跑进了屋里。He landed his dismount from the parallel bars perfectly.他从双杠上跳下,完美落地。The soldiers are trained to jump from the planes with full kit on.士兵受过背着全套装备从飞机上跳下的训练。Rebecca called the horse to a halt and jumped off.丽贝卡让马停下,倏地跳下马来。Her plunge down a cliff was broken by a woman out walking her dog.她想从悬崖跳下,但被一名出来遛狗的女子阻止了。May I have the pleasure of the next dance?你肯赏光和我跳下一曲舞吗?The bird hopped off the branch.鸟从树枝上跳下I hopped out of bed quickly.我迅速跳下了床。Three people saved themselves by jumping from the window.三人从窗户跳下,得以捡回性命。They jumped off the bridge as a publicity stunt.他们跳下那座大桥来吸引公众的眼球。Patrick threw back the covers and hopped out of bed.帕特里克将毯子往后一扔便跳下了床。I jumped off the boat and waded back to shore.跳下小船,蹚水回到了岸上。I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.我把蚊帐掀到一旁,跳下了床。Henryjumps off the chair and eats his Oreo.亨利跳下椅子,吃了他的奥利奥。Everyone should pair up for the next dance.跳下一支舞时大家都应该两人一对。Ben jumped, but his parachute failed to open.本从飞机上跳下,但他的降落伞打不开。




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