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词汇 assaults
例句 A visit to India assaults all your senses at once.去印度旅游会马上给你带来很大的感官冲击。The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area.这次袭击是在大学校园内发生的一系列针对女性的野蛮性侵犯事件中的一起。He was given seven years' detention for the two assaults.他因为两起人身侵犯罪行被判七年监禁。They launched several air assaults against the enemy.他们对敌人发起了多次空袭。The world's largest democracy will fragment under these assaults.世界最大的民主政体将在这些攻击之下分崩离析。The devastating air bombardment of the last four weeks is only the latest of a series of assaults by foreign armies.过去四个星期里的毁灭性空中轰炸只是外国军队最新的一次行动,他们已经发动了一系列的袭击。The rate of assaults was worryingly high.袭击案频发令人担忧。Brown will be sentenced for a series of sexual assaults.布朗因犯一系列性侵犯罪将被判刑。The garrison was built to withstand assaults.建起要塞是为抵御攻击。Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.三位海军上将和一名海军高级文员将被传讯,因为他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取行动。Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.街灯照明的改善减少了女性遭袭击的数量。Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city.市内发生一系列杀人和性侵案件,警方已经逮捕一名犯罪嫌疑人。Some 2000 were injured from assaults, knifings and motor accidents last year.去年约有两千人因遭受袭击、刀刺和汽车事故而受伤。




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