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词汇 assault
例句 The reputation of the navigator is under assault from historical revisionists.这位航海家的名誉受到了历史修正主义者的攻击。He was arrested for assault, but he beat the rap.他因犯有侵犯人身罪而被拘留,但逃脱了牢狱之灾。We made an assault on the enemy fort.我们向敌人的要塞发动攻击。After an all-out assault the town was captured by the enemy.敌人发起全面进攻后,占领了整个小镇。The troops rallied for a final assault.部队重新集结,发动一场最后的突击。He came under assault for his unusual beliefs. 他因与众不同的信仰而受到抨击。He was arrested and is in the dock on charges of assault and battery.他因被指控施暴和殴打而被捕并接受审讯。The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.拉米雷斯上尉率领的突击队从他们的右翼开火。A large percentage of these forces had been flattened by the assault.这些部队大部分都已经在这次进攻中被击溃。The charges against the prisoner include criminal damage and assault.对囚犯的指控包括刑事毁坏罪和侵犯人身罪。If aerial attacks fail, the only alternative would be a ground assault.如果空中打击失败,唯一的选择就是地面攻击了。The accused told the court that the police tried to frame him for assault.被告在法庭上说警方想以侵犯人身罪诬陷他。The assault forces used heavy weapons, including rockets and mortars.突击队使用了重武器,包括火箭弹和迫击炮。The assault, when it came, curdled the blood.当进攻真来临时,人给吓得浑身冰凉。The police had enough evidence to bring a charge of assault.警方有足够的证据以侵犯人身罪起诉。Leach was charged with sexual assault, which is a felony in Connecticut.利奇被控性侵犯,这在康涅狄格州是重罪。He faces four charges alleging serious sexual assault against a minor.他面临对未成年人进行性侵犯的四项指控。The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.拉米雷斯上尉率领突击队从他们的右翼开火。He was convicted of aggravated assault.他被判犯有侵犯人身重罪。You're being charged with assault and battery.你被指控犯了殴击罪。He was accused of assault. = He was charged with assault. = Assault charges were brought against him.他被指控侵犯人身安全。Mealtimes are a wonderful assault on the senses.进餐时间是给人的感官留下深刻印象的时候。Benton appeared in court yesterday on three charges of assault.本顿面临三项袭击指控,昨日出庭受审。The article was a vicious assault on Bell's integrity.这篇文章是对贝尔正直品格的恶毒攻击。Only a successful assault on the rebels’ headquarters could have ended the civil war.只有成功袭击叛军司令部才有可能结束内战。At the police station, I was charged with assault.在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。The city is under assault from enemy troops.这座城市正受到敌军的袭击。They took part in a vigorous army assault course.他们参加了一个高强度的陆军突击训练课程。He was charged with felony assault.他被指控犯有攻击重罪。The rebellion was crushed by an army assault in which over 200 people died.在军队的进攻下叛乱被镇压了下去,死了二百多人。The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.部长呼吁把袭警者须受的惩罚定为强制监禁。He was found guilty of sexual assault. 他被判犯有性侵罪。Meetings with tax inspectors are often bureaucratic assault courses.和税务稽查员打交道常常就像陷在官僚主义的迷魂阵里。They launched a fierce legal assault against the company.他们对这家公司发动了猛烈的法律攻势。She appeared in court on charges of kidnapping and assault.她因受到绑架和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。Traditional family values are increasingly under assault.传统的家庭价值观日益受到抨击。He was convicted of adultery and indecent assault.他被判犯有通奸罪和猥亵罪。He was taken away after being condemned for robbery and armed assault.他犯有抢劫和武装袭击罪,判决后被带走了。The team launches an assault on Mount Kilimanjaro next month.这支队伍将于下个月攀登乞力马扎罗山。The plan is under assault from all sides.这项计划正在受到各方面的抨击。




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