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词汇 assassin
例句 John Wilkes Booth was the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.约翰·威尔克斯·布斯刺杀了亚伯拉罕·林肯。The assassin's paymasters were never identified.那名刺客的幕后操纵者始终没有查出来。He saw the shooting and memorised the number of the assassin's car.他目睹了枪击过程并记住了刺客的车牌号码。She hired an assassin to poison him and his mother.她雇了一名杀手去把他和他母亲毒死。It's reckoned that someone in the government was in cahoots with the assassin.人们认为政府中有人与杀手相互勾结。The assassin jumped into the elevator shaft.那个刺客跳进了升降机井。John Lennon's assassin was Mark Chapman.刺杀约翰•列侬的人是马克•查普曼。Supporters continue to visit the site where Colosio lost his life to an assassin's bullet.仍有支持者前往克洛西奥在刺客枪口下丧生的地点凭吊。The king needed the assassin dead, for the death of the man would be a catharsis for him.国王定要处死刺客,这样才解他的心头之恨。He's a hired assassin. 他是被雇用的杀手。The assassin was finally hunted down.刺客终于被捉拿归案。He is paralyzed as the result of a would-be assassin's bullet years ago.几年前有人对他行刺未遂,但子弹使他瘫痪。The police found an arsenal of daggers and revolvers in the assassin's house.警方发现刺客的房子里藏着多把匕首和左轮枪。Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet.肯尼迪被暗杀者的子弹夺去了性命。They hired an assassin to dispose of him.他们雇了一个刺客来除掉他。He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.他宣称他们已雇了刺客来除掉他。There is no man in the world who is proof against an assassin's bullet.在这个世界上,没有哪个人不怕刺客的子弹。Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.露西娅雇用了一名刺客去除掉她的情敌。He was killed by a hired assassin.他被人雇凶杀害。A would-be assassin made an attempt on the President's life. 一名暗杀者企图暗杀总统未遂。He decided no assassin would chance a shot from amongst that crowd.他判定没有哪个刺客会冒险从那群人中间开枪。He saw the shooting and memorized the number of the assassin's car.他目睹了枪杀事件并记住了刺杀者的车牌号。He was killed by an assassin's bullet.他死在了暗杀者的枪口下。She was hit by an assassin's bullet.她被刺客的子弹击中。The assassin's sword ran through his body.刺客的剑刺穿他的躯干。Kennedy's assassin is assumed to have been Lee Harvey Oswald.暗杀肯尼迪的人据说是李·哈维·奥斯瓦德。




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