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词汇 assailant
例句 The assailant struck several blows before he was restrained.行凶者打了好几拳,后来他就被制伏了。She said that her assailant was wearing a mask.她说袭击她的人戴着面具。The hidden assailant leaped out at them.隐藏在暗处的袭击者突然扑向他们。Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.其他参加聚会的人把这名伤者从行凶者手中救了出来。She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant.她可能进行了反抗,试图击退袭击者。Can you describe your assailant?你能描述一下攻击你的人吗?He thereupon produced a knife and stabbed the assailant.他立刻抄起一把刀刺向了袭击他的人。Ralph hit out at his assailant.拉尔夫打了攻击他的人。The policeman fires again, tensed against the recoil, unleashing round after round at his assailant.警察再次开火,紧抵着反冲机构,不断向袭击他的人射击。Her assailant lunged, stabbing at her again and again.袭击者猛扑过来,捅了她一刀又一刀。The hidden assailant jumped out at them.袭击者突然从隐蔽处冲向他们。All four victims claimed that they did not know the assailant.四位受害者都说他们不认识攻击者。




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