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词汇 assassination
例句 The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is seen as the starting point of the war.斐迪南大公遭刺杀的事件被认为是那次战争的起因。They are accused of plotting the assassination of the prime minister. = They are accused of plotting to assassinate the prime minister.他们被指控密谋暗杀首相。The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting.这次暗杀事件引发了一波骚乱。Riots and demonstrations broke out all over the country after the assassination of Martin Luther King.马丁·路德·金遭暗杀后,全国各地都爆发了骚乱和示威游行。The assassination could do serious damage to the fragile peace agreement that was signed last month.这起行刺事件可能会对上月签署的脆弱的和平协定造成严重损害。Ryan unknowingly foils an IRA assassination plot.瑞安无意中挫败了爱尔兰共和军的一个暗杀阴谋。He has survived several assassination attempts.他几次遭到暗杀都幸免于难。President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.肯尼迪总统遇刺产生的影响是深远的。He lives in constant fear of assassination.他一直提心吊胆,害怕被人暗杀。It is believed that they plotted the assassination of the rebel leader.人们相信策划刺杀叛军领袖的人就是他们。The prime minister was the target of an assassination plot.首相是一起刺杀阴谋的目标。He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him.他正在回应关于有人密谋暗杀他的报道。The group hoped the assassination of the new President would destabilize the government.这个团体希望暗杀新总统能破坏政府的稳定。Members of the party are seeking revenge for the assassination of their leader.该党党员因为领袖被刺杀而企图报复。The press officer was unable to give any more details about the assassination attempt.这位新闻处官员无法对这次企图刺杀事件提供更详细的情况。The book describes the train of events that led up to the assassination.这本书描述了导致暗杀的一连串事件。After the assassination of Martin Luther King, black leaders became more militant.马丁·路德·金遇刺后,黑人领袖变得更为激进了。Flowers were laid to commemorate the anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon.人们在约翰·列侬遇刺周年纪念日摆放鲜花悼念他。The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand sparked the First World War.斐迪南大公遇刺引发了第一次世界大战。They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.他们因参与这起刺杀已经开始在监狱服刑了。It seems in some of those countries that political torture and assassination are par for the course.在有些那样的国家里,政治迫害和刺杀似乎是意料中事。The news of the President's assassination had only just begun to sink in.人们对总统被刺的消息刚刚才开始会意过来。She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.她希望对她丈夫的遇刺展开调查。The assassination of Indira Gandhi caused a crisis in India.英迪拉·甘地被刺杀在印度引发了一场危机。The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.这次刺杀行动无疑破坏了这两个敌对政党之间原本友好的气氛。The news of the assassination shook the world.暗杀的消息震惊了世界。The killing had the hallmarks of a professional assassination.这次谋杀具有职业暗杀的特征。A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.小报上开始了对那位已故女士全方位的人身攻击。He was accused of masterminding the assassination of her husband.他被控策划了对她丈夫的暗杀。The movie failed to satisfy her curiosity about the assassination.这部电影没能满足她对那起暗杀事件的好奇心。They attempted the assassination of the President.他们企图暗杀总统。None of those rumors are true. She's been the victim of character assassination.那些谣言都不是真的。她受到了诽谤。One of the principals in the assassination plot has been arrested.这个暗杀阴谋的核心人物之一已被逮捕。The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.这个国家因涉嫌参与暗杀而面临国际社会的强烈指责。The killing had the hallmarks of a professional assassination.这起谋杀案具有职业暗杀的特征。The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand started off the First World War.费迪南德大公的遇刺成为第一次世界大战的导火索。He narrowly survived several assassination attempts.几次暗杀行动让他差点儿命丧黄泉。The President runs the risk of assassination with every public appearance.总统的每次公开露面都冒着被行刺的风险。The assassination set alarm bells ringing in Washington and European capitals.刺杀事件在华盛顿和欧洲各国首都引发了担忧。The bombing was in revenge for the assassination of their leader.这起爆炸是针对他们的领袖被暗杀而采取的报复行动。




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