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词汇 走私
例句 The customs officers seized the smuggled heroin.海关官员没收了走私的海洛因。The two sailors are caught up in a diamond-smuggling racket.两名海员因走私钻石被捕。Some of the people took advantage of their village's closeness to the border and made profits from smuggling.有些人利用自己村子离边境近的优势走私获利。The organization claims people trafficking is now a bigger business than drug trafficking.这家机构说现在贩卖人口的生意已经超过了走私毒品。There's been a federal crackdown on smuggling in recent years.近年来,联邦政府一直在打击走私I am on to a story of smuggling outside that port.我知道从那个港口往外走私的内幕。The two gangs connived in the smuggling of goods.这两个团伙共谋走私His outfit were trying to run guns into Equatorial Guinea.他的团伙当时试图向赤道几内亚走私枪支。He made a fortune out of smuggling.他靠走私发了一笔大财。If you try to smuggle drugs you are stupid.你如果想走私毒品,那真是太愚蠢了。Smuggling will not be curbed while the domestic price of cigarettes remains so high.在国内香烟价格一直居高不下的情况下,走私将无法得到控制。He was charged with smuggling obscene materials into the UK.他被指控走私淫秽材料进入英国。Military aircraft have forced down two foreign planes at the airport on suspicion of arms smuggling.军用飞机迫使两架涉嫌武器走私的外国飞机在机场降落。The ruling authority stripped him of his boxing title after he was convicted of importing heroin.他被判犯有走私海洛因罪后,当局就剥夺了他的拳击冠军称号。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.对他们的指控包括搞海洛因走私的阴谋活动。The committee found no evidence to support allegations of smuggling.委员会没有发现能够支持走私指控的证据。Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence.走私毒品依法必须判处死刑。The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network.证据表明有一个国际走私网存在。The two girls were arrested for trafficking in hard drugs.这两个女孩因走私硬毒品被捕。Spot checks by customs officers led to the arrest of several drug smugglers.海关官员的抽查导致几名走私毒品的人落网。International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering.国际间有组织犯罪包括贩卖人口,走私毒品和洗钱。Apparently he's a double, does a little smuggling as cover.很明显他是个双重间谍,干点走私作为掩护。The two women are being tried for drug smuggling.那两名女子因走私毒品正在受审。Police said they suspected that Sobhraj had accomplices who are drug smugglers.警方说他们怀疑索布拉还有一些走私毒品的同伙。They were charged with banditry and smuggling.他们被指控有抢劫和走私行为。An air hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.一名空姐被捕,并被控以走私毒品的罪名。He was arrested for running drugs into the country.他因向国内走私毒品而被捕。The police clapped him in jail for drug smuggling.警方以走私毒品罪名立即将他投入监狱。The operation netted a vast haul of antiques.这一行动缴获了大量走私的古董。Drug-smuggling is a capital offence in many countries.在许多国家走私毒品是死罪。Police believe he is involved in an international smuggling racket.警方认为他参与了国际走私的勾当。The machinery company was a front operation for arms smuggling.那家机械公司只不过是为走私军火打掩护而已。The general and his cronies are now awaiting trial for drug smuggling.将军和他的亲信因走私毒品目前正在等待受审。The punishment is harsh for smuggling drugs into the country.这个国家对走私毒品的处罚很严厉。Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.贩毒分子有办法让人为他们走私毒品。They were punished with jail sentences for drug smuggling.他们因走私毒品而被判入狱。A leading cocaine trafficker has been indicted by the United States government.一名走私可卡因的主犯已被美国政府起诉。Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.侦探发现了走私非法武器入境的阴谋。He was arrested for smuggling drugs into the country.他因走私毒品入境被捕。The gang smuggled weapons into that country.这帮人将武器走私到该国。




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