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The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.农夫叫来兽医诊治病牛。Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.很多牙医将不再诊治国民医疗保健系统内的患者,这是该国的一大倒退。In the past, doctors seemed to have more time for their patients than they do today.与现在相比,过去医生似乎有更多时间给病人诊治。The doctor referred the patient to a specialist.这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。Hospitals deal with diseases of every variety.医院诊治各种各样的疾病。My doctor referred me to a specialist.我的医生建议我去找一位专家诊治。She's had a lot of dental work done.她的牙齿已经诊治过多次。The clinic deals with a wide cross-section of society.诊所诊治社会上各种各样的人。I have an appointment with Dr. Jones.我已约好找琼斯医生诊治。The dentist's confident manner assured me that I was in safe hands.牙医自信的态度使我确信我正由高手诊治。 |