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词汇 警报器
例句 The siren rather whispers than screams.警报器呜呜作声,而不是尖声怪叫。The Coast Guard klaxon sounded.海岸警卫队的警报器响了。We set the alarm before leaving the house.我们在离开房子之前设好了警报器An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.警报器通常足以使想要行窃的人罢手。Half the houses had been fitted with alarms and ours hadn't.有半数的房子安装了警报器,不过我们家没有。The fire truck sped past, its siren ringing.消防车响着警报器飞驰而过。She heard the sirens scream their unearthly wail.她听到警报器发出令人心惊的尖啸声。We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.我们在各层楼梯都安装有完全可用的烟雾警报器I saw him interfering with the smoke alarm.我看见他当时正在乱动那个烟雾警报器The ambulance sirened to the scene.救护车响着警报器赶往现场。They were about to leave when they heard a siren screaming behind them.他们正要离开时,突然听到警报器在背后尖叫起来。A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.看得见的警报器会使窃贼们三思而后行。The thieves ran away when the alarm went off.警报器一响,小偷都逃走了。The alarm scared the hell out of me.警报器把我的魂都吓掉了。You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly.你应该检查一下烟雾警报器运行是否正常。Sirens blared all night.警报器响了一整晚。Any movement will set off the alarm.任何动静都会触响警报器The eerie howl of the siren sent chills up her spine.警报器那怪异恐怖的鸣叫声使她感到毛骨悚然。The sirens sound a warning when fighter planes are sighted.一发现战斗机,警报器就会鸣响发出警告。Thieves managed to disable the alarm.窃贼们设法切断了警报器We could just hear the distant wail of a siren.我们能隐约听到远处警报器的尖啸声。Smoke triggered the fire alarm.烟雾触发了火警警报器She hit the alarm button as fast as she could.她以最快的速度按了警报器Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。Unfortunately any little noise can set off the alarm.可惜,一丁点儿声音都能触响警报器The toy has flashing lights and a siren noise, but batteries are not included.这个玩具包含有闪光灯和警报器,但不包括电池。Do you mean the alarm was switched off all night?你是说警报器整夜都关着?The trouble with car alarms is that they often go off accidentally.汽车警报器的毛病是常常会意外地报警。Most of the houses in the street are alarmed.这条街上的大部分房子都装有警报器The security alarm is a theft deterrent.安全警报器可以用来防盗。Have you installed a smoke alarm in your office?你的办公室安装烟雾警报器了吗?The alarm emits infrared rays which are used to detect any intruder.警报器能发出红外线探测闯入者。The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.响着警报器的消防车正要停下来。We heard a siren screaming behind us.我们听到警报器在背后尖叫。The siren resonated throughout the city.警报器的鸣声在城市四处回响。Smoke from a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.香烟的烟雾一般不会触发烟雾警报器The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音。They had improvised an alarm, using string and empty cans.他们用绳子和空罐子临时做了一个警报器The alert was started by another inmate who tipped off prison staff.另一名向监狱工作人员告密的囚犯按响了警报器




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