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词汇 curiously
例句 His clothes were curiously old-fashioned.他的衣服式样古怪陈旧。Her daughter's accident had left her curiously unmoved.女儿遭遇意外事故她竟然无动于衷,真是奇怪。It was a curiously organized office.那是一间布局很奇特的办公室。He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看著那些人。He looked curiously peaceful as he lay there.他躺在那里,看起来异常地安详。She regarded him curiously for a moment.她好奇地看了他一会儿。Everyone stared at us curiously, wondering who we were.所有人都好奇地盯着我们看,想知道我们是谁。People, despite their intelligence, are curiously inadequate at communicating with horses.人类虽然很有智慧,但在与马交流方面却出奇地愚笨。I thought him a curiously impressive person.我认为他是个给人印象特别深刻的人。A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from the decks.一艘长长的法国客船姿态庄严地迅速开过,甲板上一张张欧洲人的、亚洲人的脸好奇地向外张望着。He felt curiously detached from what was going on.奇怪的是,他对于正在发生的事情感到超然物外。I could see Robby watching curiously.我可以看到罗比在好奇地看着。Sandra looked at him curiously.桑德拉好奇地看着他。He called the findings a curiously inconclusive mixture.他把这些研究成果称为没有得出定论的奇特大杂烩。Her remarks were curiously lacking in perception.她的评论缺乏洞察力,这真让人费解。Harry was curiously silent through all this.从头到尾哈里都一言不发,令人费解。She was curiously uninterested in what other people thought was important.奇怪的是,她对别人认为重要的事并不感兴趣。She was curiously reluctant to talk about the experience.很奇怪,她不愿谈论那次经历。Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way.其电影产业以它奇特的与世隔绝的方式运作。The plot line of the story twists past a curiously mixed group of characters.故事的情节贯穿着一群奇妙地结合起来的人物。Her English was curiously stilted and foreign.她的英语古怪夸张,很不地道。Ben's voice was curiously flat when he told us the news.本在告诉我们这条消息的时候声音出奇地平淡。He glanced curiously around him.他好奇地扫视着四周。He's curiously innocent about what this means to other people.他居然不知道这对他人意味着什么,真是太少不更事了。Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously.莉兹拾起那个蓝色的信封,好奇地翻到背面。His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate.他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。She was curiously artless.她出奇地单纯。They stopped and looked at her curiously.他们停下来,好奇地看着她。Time had become curiously telescoped lately.最近不知为何时间变得越来越短了。She felt curiously light-headed.她感到莫名其妙地头晕目眩。He looked at the strange object curiously.他好奇地看着那个怪东西。The film has the feel of a man curiously disengaged from his material.这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。They were curiously quiet.他们安静得出奇。The movie's characters speak in a curiously dated way.这部电影里人物的说话方式很老套,古里古怪的。The woman in the shop had looked at them curiously.商店里的那个女人曾经好奇地看着他们。He complained of feeling curiously weak and faint.他诉说感到莫名地虚弱和头晕。The film has the feel of a man who is curiously disengaged from his material.这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。He considered me curiously.他好奇地打量我。Always technically competent, the paintings are, however, curiously superficial.虽然技术上一向过关,不过奇怪的是这些画都很肤浅。She had seemed curiously distracted.很奇怪,她似乎有点心不在焉。




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