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词汇 relate
例句 Many entries relate to the two world wars.很多条目与两次世界大战有关。There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.有一些官员会听他讲述整个故事。Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.如今,许多基督徒感到有必要把自身的体验与印度教徒、佛教徒和伊斯兰教徒的体验相联系。I can't really see how the two issues relate.我看不出两件事有什么联系。Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.其他建议与具体如何储存这些数据有关。Ecology is the study of how living things relate to their environment.生态学是研究生物与环境之间相互关系的学科。He's shy and finds it hard to relate.他很害羞,觉得与人交往很难。This is a film everyone can relate to.这是一部人人都能看得懂的电影。She doesn't relate well to her peers.她和同辈处不来。Martin had always found it easier to relate to women.马丁一直认为了解女人要更容易。Attempts to relate studies on animals to those on humans are not really comparing like with like.试图将对动物的研究和对人类的研究联系起来并不是对两种相似的事物进行比较。I can relate to your feelings.我能理解你的感受。She doesn't relate well to her mother.她与她母亲相处不很和睦。The charges of fraud relate to events that took place over ten years ago.这些欺诈指控涉及十多年前发生的事件。A good doctor has the ability to relate to the sociocultural background of his or her patients.一个好的医生应该能够理解病人的社会文化背景。He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to.他想要造成一个一般选民可以认同的形象。Our findings relate to physically rather than visually handicapped students.我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生。I can't relate to that at all.我完全理解不了这一点。He writes songs that people can really relate to.他写一些真正能够引起人们共鸣的歌曲。I know he feels upset, and I can relate to that.我知道他难过,我能理解他的感受。The programme deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can relate to.节目讨论的是普通人能理解的科学问题。With what events did your remarks relate?你的话指的是什么事? He is unable to relate to other people.他无法理解他人的想法。Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。I think it is important for children to have brothers and sisters they can relate to.我认为对孩子们来讲有可以相互理解沟通的兄弟姐妹很重要。I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.我发现要将这两种观点联系起来相当困难。When people are cut off from contact with others, they lose all ability to relate.一个人与其他人隔绝后,会失去全部的沟通能力。At the end, we have a sense of names, dates, and events but no sense of how they relate.最后,我们对名字、日期和事件有了些认识,但并不清楚它们之间的关联。You must be feeling awful. I went through something similar myself last year, so I can relate.你一定很难受吧。去年我自己经历了类似的事,所以我能够理解。She needs to learn to relate to other children.她得学会和其他孩子相处。The arson charges relate to the burning down of a number of churches.纵火罪的指控涉及几起教堂的烧毁。The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to.他所描述的那种文化和我所处的文化如此迥异,有时我觉得很难理解。I've never been able to relate to him very well.我从未能够很好地理解他。To what events did your remarks relate?你的话指的是什么事? This song has a universal message that everybody can relate to.这首歌有着每个人都能产生共鸣的普遍主题。Group work helps children learn to share things and relate to each other.小组活动有助于使儿童学会分享、互相理解。The new tax law does not relate to land used for farming.新的税法不适用于农业用地。We're only interested in events that relate directly to the murder.我们只对与谋杀案直接相关的事情感兴趣。The readings relate to the class discussions.这些读物与课堂讨论有关。More studies will be required before we know what the functions of these genes are and whether they relate to each other.要弄清这些基因的功能以及它们彼此之间是否关联,我们还需要开展更多的研究。




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