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例句 Studies suggest that cigarette advertising is closely related to adolescents’ smoking behavior.研究表明,香烟广告与青少年吸烟习惯有密切联系。She believes she's related to royalty.她认为她和王室有血缘关系。Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.许多购物行为和享乐冲动有关。The survey suggests that financial success is closely/strongly/directly related to a person's level of education.调查显示,经济成就与一个人的教育水平有紧密/极大/直接的关联。Harcourt's lawyer claims that his client's health problems are directly related to his work in the mine.哈考特的律师声称其当事人的健康问题与他在矿井中的工作有直接的关系。He claims to be distantly related to the British royal family.他声称自己与英国王室是远亲。Families reported widespread hardship directly related to absentee or alcoholic fathers.许多家庭都反映与父亲弃家不归或酗酒有直接联系的困难。Education levels are strongly related to income.教育程度和收入有很大的关系。John told me he was related to Mel Gibson - is that true?约翰告诉我说他和梅尔·吉布森是亲戚。有这么回事吗?Numerous disorders have been related to vagotonia.许多机能失调与迷走神经过敏有关。Was he related to anyone of importance?他跟什么要人有关系吗? They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.他们说这些指控与另一件欺诈案有关。I ploughed through all the documents related to the case.我费力地看完了与此案有关的所有文件。It turned out that she was related to him by marriage.原来她和他有姻亲关系。One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.人们也能看出具体行为是如何与时空相关联的。Most research suggests that health is related to social class.大部分研究都显示健康与社会阶层有关联。Tax rates were indirectly related to income.税率与收入有间接关系。There was very little, if any, significant mortality related to the epidemic.这一流行病引起的死亡人数如果有也是微不足道的。If we go back far enough, we are all related to one another.如果回到足够遥远的过去,我们大家都是互相沾亲带故的。Scores in the test were not significantly related to gender.这项测试的分数与性别没有太大关联。Nor do their debts looks so horrendous when related to the value of their fixed assets.和他们的固定资产值相比,他们的债务看起来并不算惊人。Are you, by any chance, related to William Morton?你也许和威廉·莫顿有亲戚关系吧?We've plowed through all the documents related to the case.我们费力地阅读了所有有关此案的文件。The wolf is related to the domestic dog.狼与家犬有亲缘关系。If anyone has any information related to the crime, will they please contact the police.任何人如果掌握有关这一案件的情况,请与警方联系。The occurrence of the disease is apparently related to standards of hygiene.这种病的发生率显然与卫生状况相关。His father's distantly related to the Royal family.他父亲和王室是远亲。He professed a distaste for everything related to money.他声称厌恶与金钱有关的一切。The third exception allows employees to seek damages for outrageous acts related to termination, including character defamation.第三条例外条款规定,如果雇用方在解聘员工时做出人格诽谤等无礼行为,员工可以寻求赔偿。I am related to her by marriage.我和她有姻亲关系。The mammoth was related to, but distinct from, modern elephants.猛犸象与现代的大象既有关联又有区别。Chimpanzees are more closely related to people than to gorillas or monkeys.黑猩猩与人类的关系比与大猩猩或其他灵长目动物的关系更近。Your question is not related to the matter at hand.你的问题与眼下审议的事无关。The Belgian language is closely related to French.比利时语与法语密切相关。He professed a strong distaste for everything related to money.他宣称强烈厌恶与金钱有关的一切。Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.学业成绩差与情绪失常有关。Gas in the bladder may be related to a fistula between the bladder and the colon.膀胱气肿可能与膀胱和结肠之间形成瘘管有关。He related to us the story of his escape from the enemy.他对我们讲了他从敌人手里脱逃的经过。His father is distantly related to the Royal family.他父亲与王室有远亲关系。He died from complications related to diabetes.他死于与糖尿病相关的并发症。




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